Hello there! Finally made it back to this computer to see your lovely message :)
Yes, am able to catch on occasion that timeless consciousness you mention when I am sungazing. In the winter our north facing mountain doesn't permit, but now we are in the sweet spot am there with bells on every morning to catch the first light of the day. After 10-15 mins of looking into infinity there is a calmness which descends and this thing we call the present moment fades away. The sound of the water in the canal, the feeling of the damp earth under my feet, the singing birds, the warmth of the sunlight on my face... it is all replaced by a simple yet complex Oneness. Indescribable with words. When I come back to the present I very often burst into tears, overwhelmed by emotion and gratitude for the reminder that there is indeed no such thing as time. Which means we can stop counting those birthday cake candles now!
All the best to you brother. Am back at my computer box next week with a different schedule. While I am still not convinced the bottom is in, I would like to continue my trading journey again and positioning things in anticipation of what comes next...
My dear friend! Your words lit me up and i'm profoundly moved by how you describe becoming present. Your choice to describe the sun gazing was completely on point and i really thank you for this my brother.