What's the difference between the world that exists before our eyes and or perceptions of it and how important are the influences over our perceptions when they shape our actions and relationships and therefore the landscape of the world?
A very tricky question indeed. Perception and influence, both don't work side by side to my knowledge. Especially in cases when many factor play role. It is important to notice that life goes on even with or without ones perception on it. Things starts to differ once that perception is voiced or acted out. Just a perception may not make a change but an action or known perception may create a change.
Very well written. I personally believe in it too, "Your presence is a present".
Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts. I believe that our individual perception and therefore, our individual realities are shaped by outside influences which in turn shape the world. Of course, our self awareness and social awareness play a role in all of this as well.
This is one reason I believe that the influences we choose are of critical importance in life.
Very true.