What makes someone a Conspiracy Theorist?

Firstly I have to say that I personally don’t like labels, I find that they are generally used to belittle people and divide us. How anyone can be defined in one or in this case two words, is ridiculous to me as we are changing and growing all the time, we are constantly evolving.
So to try define someone like this is so unrealistic and very limiting. It is the same as trying to fit people into boxes to Define who they are. We are all so wonderfully diverse on any given day. We have many different interests and sides to us, and we can become a different person depending on the situation, so yes, I do not like this idea labelling people.
It’s not really our place to try and understand others, it’s our place to understand ourselves and just accept others for who they are, that’s how I feel anyhow. On top of that labels were created to divide people, especially those created as a derogative term.
Conspiracy theorist is certainly a label, that has been thrown around a lot in the last few months (well in the last few years) but definitely a lot more recently, because of everything that is happening in the world.
It’s something that I’ve been called quite a few times and it’s funny because even though I don’t like being labelled, it’s actually not something that I take offence to anymore because my understanding of it, is not the same as how it is defined in dictionaries or the general populace.

It’s definitely seen as a very negative thing, and is being it’s thrown about to describe people who are seen as being paranoid, as being out of touch with reality and as being delusional. These are just some of the words that you will find when you look up the term.
One that I especially liked, was people that experience magical thinking. That actually put a huge smile on my face, because when I read and especially as I said it out loud to myself, A person that experiences magical thinking, straight away I was like, bring it on, bring on all the magic because life is full of magic. It happens all around us, all the time. Life is pretty darn magical and if that is what a conspiracy theorist is, then sign me up right now. Because I am a conspiracy theorist and I’m proud!
But of course there is so much more to it than that, A conspiracy theorist is basically anyone who goes against the common narrative, who goes against and questions what the government is trying to push onto us. They are the people who go against the stories that we been told.
To me, A conspiracy theorist,is someone who is a deep thinker, a critical thinker, someone who is willing to educate themselves and do the research to see all sides of the picture and yes there are some really dark sides in this picture. There is some dark shit happening in this world, and some of it is so hard to digest, because we want to believe that we live in a world that is full of love and that’s fair and that everyone supports one another and looks after one another. But it’s not like that,it can be like that in our communities and we can choose to live in a community that is like that.

But when we look at the bigger picture that’s not how it is. For so long we have been governed by those who hold a very dominant world view, a view that is based on greed and power.So many people don’t wanna see that, they don’t wanna hear about it, but in order for us to change the world, We need to acknowledge what has been going on, what is still going on. Nothing is going to change unless we do that, unless we bring it all to light and we see it for what it is!
WE need it all to be revealed, all the darkness needs to come to light, so that we can move forward. So really a conspiracy theorist is someone who is bringing that darkness to light! They are doing a very fucking important job and yet, they are deemed as being crazy, as being paranoid and delusional because the people that are in power feel threatened by them and they don’t wanna lose that control.
As they fight to hold onto it,they came up with this term to belittle all those who seek the truth. Think about it when you give something a name you claim ownership over it, you claim control over it. I know that this might be difficult for some people to swallow, because obviously we name our children, we name our pets but we are exerting power over them when we name them, that’s the reality of this and that is why the term conspiracy theorist was brought into being, because to name something is to exert control over it.

After John F Kennedy was assassinated, people began to question what they were being told by the media. They took it upon themselves, to research deeper and to find out what was actually going on. Of course this did not sit very well with the powers that be, so the CIA used it to disclaim those who questioned them.
The origin of the term Conspiracy Theorist, goes back to the 1800's used in The Journal of Mental Science, Volume 16. Back then it was a term that was used to identify a theory that was different to other theories. It was only later on that it began to have a more negative connotation attached to it and especially after the JFK assassination.
Isn't it funny how words are changed in order to benefit others?
And how they have succeeded, because it is being used in such a negative way. In my community, I heard how some members called out those who wish to bring the darkness into the light, Nazis!
People are using the term, Conspiracy Theorist's to divide people, To have people fighting against one another and it’s working so well at the moment.
Because it is being used,once agin to attempt to silence those that go against the official narrative, who have little faith, if any in the government bodies. It is being used to create more alliance with those in power, by causing a divide amongst us all.
I believe that we all need to take responsibility for our own lives, that starts by asking questions, so that we are informed and can make informed decisions. Doing this enables us to remain in our power and not let others take it from us. We need to dig deep, so that we can stay strong!

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Interesting you should ask - I just read that CIA originated the term
I am a person who questions everything - and if it does not have a logical explanation in which all questions can be answered, or if there are large amounts of money or power than can be derived from a specific action - or a seeming agenda that is being played out - then I will investigate it until I am satisfied.
yes always ask questions, it really is our responsibility to be informed and stay informed xx
well - that makes me a tin foil hat wearer -
Really is it ?
This is what I believe, what about you?
Yes we need to question the media narrative as well as the government agenda. I would say most of the disaster stories coming out of USA, like shootings, black deaths by white cops lately, looting, etc are all false flag insider fake events to rile up the masses. Then the elite can come in and impose heavier surveillance and martial law. I am a conspiracy theorist since the term is becoming so popular that most people have become conspiracy theorists if they are educated and informed. 9/11 for example, was the classic insider job, but speak against the mainstream narrative that it was legit and you are a conspiracy theorist. Speak out against covid and the same label arrives, but this is because the mainstream narrative is the fake news or psyop.
Exactly I hear you on all of this, anyone who wishes to be informed, to question anything the media or government says is now seen as a Conspiracy theorist xx
What a weird state of affairs, as if we have fallen down the rabbit hole and life is all upside down.
Each one of us has so many different attributes and ya it would not be right to give one label to the person. I personally believe these days whoever is seeking truth has been given this label and pushed back.