Zurich Hive Meeting
Zurich, the 28th of October 2021
The Swiss Hive Community
We recently held our second Swiss Hive Community meeting in Zurich. With only 9 people attending, we covered various topics surrounding consensus mechanisms in general, other dPoS blockchains, how they differ form hive, as well as the meaning of community governance. We were also able to explain how facebook uses people as products to please VC's. How Blockchains like hive oppose this crumbling paradigm by providing data ownership, value and much more of what social media really is. We covered how censorship depends on website ownership, but how websites to access hive fundamentally share this philosophy of being censorship resistant. We went over key motivations that drives our blockchain community towards building a decentralised ecosystem and covered some historical anecdotes that so strongly bonded our hivemind communities. We briefly flew over CDN's for videos and how 3speak currently still uses one, IPFS and layer two solutions. I received texts in response to the invitations I sent out around my circle. Specially from friends that would like to join the next hive meeting. Namely @lucynch. @needapencil, who finally made a first post after I gave a quick preview of formatting options. I can understand that an aesthetically pleasing appearance is important for a truly gifted graphic designer with a good sense of editorial design. Our Zürich Hive meeting was attended by @amazedme , @ceciliad.art , @janaliana , @bensworld , @clau-de-sign , @option2-e and a fine gentleman who came all the way from Lucerne. I'd like to thank everyone who showed up for our second Hive meeting.
Honestly, it's all pretty exciting!
Firstly I have to say that there was energy boiling in the room since @bensworld and @clau-de-sign were talking about all the fun video ideas they had. @clau-de-sign and me have much more in common than just remaining pseudonymous.
We had some great talks about Hive's future potential and how encouraging new users to make revenue benefits the whole community. The more hive is staked the better. I think it might be able to help so many people on our planet one day. Specially in some developing countries.
Recently I got a haircut from @janaliana at one of her courses. She's an aspiring coiffeuse. After the session she made me a really nice braid. I can sense a lot of talent in her and she definitely has what is takes to become a hair-stylist. She embodies a sense of passion for cutting hair. While her hands move quite proficiently, it becomes apparent that the joy in her eyes is present because she loves her work.
@amazedme is a ardent pianist, who also occasionally works with a loop station. Makes me wanna grab my SP404 sampler and meet up with him for a jam. @ceciliad.art and @amazedme seem to have an affinity for blockchain, where they seem to grasp it's potential intuitively. As creative people, it seems so evident that the fundamentally flawed internet of today calls for solutions. One like hive. A potential answer for your publications. It gives off such a good vibe to have all these talented artists in our community. I can't wait to see @ceciliad.art's art once she starts posting. The oil paintings she showed me on her phone, make for a truly unique eye for color compositions, fantasy and a sense of aesthetics.
Dr. Peter Meier or @option2-e is a physicist and he really managed to intrigued me. Being a very conscientious man, as well as observant, he's quite up to every trick and pretty savvy. I am looking forward to reading his intellectually stimulating ideas and encourage anyone interested in language/etymology and mathematics to check out his posts. He will surely enrich our blockchain with a treasure of publications.
I hope I haven't promised too much.
Our co organiser @sandymeyer, unfortunately didn't make it this time due to a longer work shift. We both met up later and are really excited to start building more with our growing Swiss hive community. We have some fun stuff planned, moving forward. We'd like to state that our neutral, benevolent and selfless intentions are to create an open community for people all over Switzerland and beyond to create a home for hive, in and outside the blockchain. We welcome anyone in the world to join our monthly meetings every last Thursday of the month here in Zurich, Switzerland. You will gladly be awarded a Swissness and a Zurich Hive Badge. We'd inspire any Hive meeting in your city and support any other Swiss city in an attempt to replicate this initiative of any similar ones. We plan to do hikes, excursions, camps, events and other fun stuff to encourage and foster engagement on the hive blockchain.
I also took the liberty to animate a Swiss Hive Community Banner for anyone in Switzerland to use as a footer for the end of their post. Feel free to rock it and represent.
Thank you for reading.

Graffiti of vanishing
Dong Chang 东厂
aka Rane
'If humans would invent a time machine and travel back in time, historians would misuse this power to own the narrative. What if we remove the concept of time? What if our collective power to manifest anything with our minds shapes this reality? Then anything moving forward isn't truth set in stone by the collective unconscious, but it becomes the duty of everyone to manifest solutions and shine light on the paths of those living in darkness. Where ever there is light, there is room to grow and evolve. Are you staring at the void of light or at the void of darkness' -@yangyanje
Rane: Now is empty? Yang: There is no time...
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Am so pleased to have caught this one, just ahead of me today in abundancetribe.
What an inspiring group of people you describe! And the subjects you covered are fascinating. I can imagine the energy in the room must have been buzzing. And wow! What amazing hair you have! It paints a wonderful picture and tells a story of its own. Am grateful you shared the shot.
Sending love & respect to all involved. Your actions and focused intentions at this time of great change will surely touch the lives of many 🙏
Always fascinated when I meet people on hive. I actually heard so much more about you from @vincentnijman, which is why I felt so connected to you and your story. I told him about a refreshing encounter with a Sabrina that I met in a bus from Berlin to Munich in 2016 and he made another connection again. We're still in touch. @whatamidoing writes sentences that at times make me see images, animation. I even hear sound and feel what a creative being he must be. Vincent!?! If you are reading this, I know I have mad love for you, I had to write you on discord! You are right @samstonehill people who land up here and stick around are truly exceptional. Some have other motives and others are solely here for for other reasons. Once they reap a different kind of value from all the life lessons and knowledge shared on hive, I think everyone is seduced into loving it here. It's so real and down to earth. By being a part of this community, I see how much humanity is given back to our dignity. We gave way too much of this value to the state with their inefficient fiscal oligarchy. At the end of the day politics also sucks within a dPoS system.
Hair are like nerves. You know that feeling when you get goos bumps? Your hair stands up? I have that on my head occasionally when I go to the forest hunting for mushrooms. I was just reading yet another research paper on the neuromyofascial web. I know it sounds bizarre, but it's just a feeling I get on the top of my head when I can sense and smell. It's like a combination of olfactory stimuli that goes through the body.
Reminds me of a story from the Vietnam war. In the US they signed up native american indians for their tracking ability but once they gave them the classic GI buzz cut and shipped them off to the jungle, they lost their connection and simply couldn't do it anymore. Unknown to them, they needed their hair to keep them connected! So yes, it doesn't sound too bizarre. Quite awesome actually.
Here's to meeting Sabrinas on long bus rides!
I dont find this farfetched at all, either.
I agree with @samstonehill cool hair ( pic )!
These meetups sound inspiring. Keep up the good work!
My man @vincentnijman, so nice to see you here. Thanks. The sikh have long hair too. Shinobi's as well. I guess it's warrior thing too. You guys inspire me a lot.
This is so inspiring to read 🙂 I would love to meet people from Hive in person and it's great that you have taken this initiative in Zurich. Seems like it will give everyone involved so much.
@mamrita thank you so much for stopping by. The response is very positive. I want to make in more hands on and more dynamic next time. I think you'd really be surprised of how down to earth people from here are in real life. I have to confirm that it can't be a coincidence. Proof of brain consensus is so much more accurate that subjective likes that to mould people into desired blueprint. The follow the book and photoshop their faces to look the same. Some are so plastic, they don't even need surgery. Excuse my sarcasm. Maybe i'm being to cynical. The reason why I was so exited about it that time, was because I knew you'd fit right in. You are smart and rewired differently. Hive can be such a great place for intellectual stimuli. There are so many people i'd still love to meet here and I could write a very long list. Maybe once I get an actual income, I might be able to travel and meet people from the hive all over the world.
I hope that opportunity comes for you. To travel all over the world and meet people from Hive. I hope to do that too actually. I have some invites 🙂
I plan to join such a meetup next time! looking forward.
th of November 2021. It will most likely occur at the same location. Looking forward as well.@ivansnz I just saw your previous post and replied to it. Thank you for your comment. We are scheduled for the 25
I'm super happy to see this and Thanks a million for everyone who made this happen :)
It's funny! You actually inspired me to do this a year ago. Remember? @sandymeyer started the community and i reached out to him. So then, we organized the first meeting together. You only got me hyped @nathanmars ! So glad to read your comment here.
This meeting has encouraged my to begin with Peakd, and I thank you allwe can all become Friends 1-2-3; no longer evolving with the disrupting temperament - with or without opinions... for the above: Here is some more indepth content about what I have been pointing out: https://blog.think-systems.ch/umsetzung/modul_freund.htm - I hope you can deal with it and that
Glad to read this Peter. Thank you for your comment. I am also very excited to read all of the convergent thinking that you provide such brilliant analogies for. Very coherent way that you use formalise the conditioning imposed on society. Specially the aberration of a collective that are then just controlled like puppets, falling in line because the control the way we communicate. I really like the options analogy. I'd like to see 1-7.
Comminities like this strengthen us and build us u and makes the hive community thrive more through sharing of knowledge.
I love the hair cut too.
That is a really great comment. You are so right. Hive has taught me that we watch out for each other. Learned so many wonderful things from all these amazing people here. It's like People are on facebook. We're from the Hive. this place belongs to us. Us all. that in itself is powerful, right? @mukoro Thank you for stopping by and sharing your comment.
I love this! You're building a Hive community in Zurich! How exciting and inspiring. @ryzeonline and I live in Toronto...I wonder how many other Torontonians would be down for a Hive meeting. Anyway good for you guys!
YES! Growing community is awesome for Hive and for anyone really. We're social beings and meant to be around similar like-minded people. Everyone sounds like so much fun.
Congrats on your meeting and I look forward to hearing more about your group.
Much love,
Canadian ey? Thank you so much for your comment. I think with more front ends we might get a whole lot of users more. Maybe you can start a Hive Blockchain Community in Toronto. Hit me up if I can be of any help.
I think there is more cooking up. Our next meeting might be more hands on. teaching about @blocktrades.com
You are right. It's also a really surprisingly good vibe because everyone is so down to earth.
Thanks Cyn! Just gave you a follow btw.
I love it. Sounds like it will be a fun meeting and if I was there I'd go. I love learning new things. And maybe I will start a Toronto community. We have a Canadian one but it's kinda quiet. So we shall see.
Thanks for following. Looking forward to seeing what else you share and how your community grows.
Much love!
The rewards earned on this comment will go directly to the person sharing the post on Twitter as long as they are registered with @poshtoken. Sign up at https://hiveposh.com.
Nice meeting! Though very small in number, there’s so much energy there! Very exciting to see such a meeting during this difficult time!
@kaminchan Thank you for your comment. We were more last time. We were supposed to go to a house full of crypto enthusiasts that day. A lot of people were supposed to show up. I am sure we will be more next time.
Both. And even at other things. The world is not just/only black and white.
Very nicely said. I agree. I also think one can not always be happy. Versatility and a bit of everything is great to enrich life with more bandwidth. Widen ones perception. I am lucky to also see green and blue etc. I didn't want to sound too cryptic. What I meant to say is : When there is too much light we see white and when there is no light we see black. When we see everything, it's important to also question what we don't see or do not know yet?
'If humans would invent a time machine and travel back in time, historians would misuse this power to own the narrative (under their OPTION I). What if we remove the concept of time? What if our collective power to manifest anything with our minds (within the order superior to the man-made, such as the laws if nature and lifefulfillment) shapes this reality? Then anything moving forward isn't truth (in terms of each one's that lead to his or her lifefulfillment) set in stone by the collective unconscious (zeitgeist with its 8 dark inner insubstantial, e.g. evil voices), but it becomes the duty of everyone to manifest solutions and shine light on the paths of those living in darkness (OPTION II). Where ever there is light, there is room to grow (for Life- through Task-Fulfillment@option2-e) towards friendship level 3...)and evolve. Are you staring at the void of light or at the void of darkness' -@yangyanje with (
@option2-e thank you for your concise comments and your effort to break down what I wrote. I really need to re-evaluate my way of thinking with all these new options of communication.
This is a fascinating methodology.
I agree that a fly just does it's job and a human is nothing better. Humans are rally just very good at not exploring the limit of their knowledge, stuck in the pretension of superior understanding? We have become way too arrogant. The worst part is that we haven't reached the equilibrium to take the correlating responsibility(environment, resources, other living entities and their respective biomes) in our current state of evolution, if at all the two are wise to even separate. I am not referring to darwinism.
I was addressing subjective truths of dogmas imposed by groupthink narratives. You are right. Each one of us has their respective path to his or her fulfillment. I don't believe there is one truth for all, but a everyones truth makes the whole complete. Everyone is important for humanity to collectively evolve as one species or one organism on this planet?
I need to dig much further into this. I really like this exchange. I also think Zeitgeist has become a form of NLP to make people fall into place to create the desired patterns in our society.
Like the branches move vascular and grow towards light. They move into unchartered space? Reaching out and branching? An action and a reaction is one and the same. An action and a reaction happens the same time? It isn't like an action happens and a reaction follows?
@yangyanje, this comment has been manually curated with LUV.
Check the LUV in your H-E wallet.
With hive promoting the social media decentralization, I believe hive is heading to the moon.