I say it over and over again and I'll say it one more time now. The effort to sterilize the stray animal population in Krabi is our number one goal. Without this being our number one goal having a healthier and well-fed stray population will simply lead to a higher population. This is true with all species: The easier the rest of their lives are and the less they have to work to survive, the more a population will have offspring. This is a cruel, but true way of looking at all animal populations in the world.
Therefore, even if the dogs prove initially elusive as far as coming with us is concerned, we will need to coerce them into the clinic for the operation that will prevent the suffering of dozens, perhaps hundreds, of unwanted dogs that will live a short life of suffering and disease in most cases. Simply allowing a population to explode and thinking that you will just raise more money to keep them healthy is untenable even that very well funded dog shelters and animal-rescue projects around the world agree that this MUST be their primary focus.
Not all dogs can be beckoned with a "hey... come here... I've got chicken!" sort of way so on occasion we have to break out the "big guns" in order to capture them for treatment.
This contraption was custom-made and it is totally safe. Even the gate itself isn't heavy enough to cause any real damage even if a 2nd dog attempts to enter it with the first one. The concept is very similar to the "have a heart" rat traps that exist in that as soon as the dog puts weight on the step right before the food the door will close behind them. There is no spring mechanism to shut the door, only gravity. So if some other dog or other creature was behind the dog, it wouldn't crush them.
The door doesn't actually latch until it is all the way closed and the pressure plate is made so that smaller creatures like a squirrel of rat wouldn't trigger it.
We don't bring this thing out unless the dog in question is unapproachable due to being very untrusting of humans. Most of the strays have some sort of human in their lives that they will trust to some degree, but some in rural areas are actually wild and have always lived on their own in nature. This is when this contraption comes into play which fortunately isn't that often. It's quite heavy and difficult to transport after all.
This mother was reported by a rural medical clinic as sleeping in the area. The staff have attempted to approach her with food but she is having none of it and would run off if anyone would approach her. I am guessing that she chose this area because it is covered from the rain.
The staff have been feeding her and she is actually a bit overweight, but still she is completely untrusting of humans and we don't know why.
The trap took a while, but ultimately it was effective.
In addition to picking up the dog for treatment and sterilization, we took this time to hand out cards to the people at the hospital to make them aware of our services and to call upon us if they notice other dogs like this. Normally we focus on the more populated areas of Krabi but the rural areas are actually just as important because if strays get out of control in these areas they are far more likely to be murdered via poison than ones in the city. This is just the way rural life is.
So we got mama to the clinic and she had to be sedated by the veterinarian before surgery. She is now in recovery and will be returned to the area we found her when we take her back. We are hopeful that through the use of a drone that we will be able to follow her back to where her potential puppies are when we bring her back. No one at the clinic could give us any information about the potential puppies so as it stand now we don't even know if any of them are alive. We hope so!
if you would like to see how you can help out or simply spread the word, please visit our website at
Sometimes you have to bring out extra tools and you are lucky to have a decent cage/trap. I know our puppy when he first arrived was not exactly responsive and it was touch and go whether we would keep him. Dogs that have lost trust with humans due to how they have been treated is going to happen and it will take time to gain their trust back. Our puppy who is a handful is so laid back now but it took quite a bit of work to win him over.
that is fantastic that you put in the extra work necessary to make the puppy feel at ease. It is indeed very difficult to convince a dog to trust, especially if that dog was abused by humans in the past. Some of them never really get over that trauma. Rescue dogs in particular can be a handful that many adoptees think they are prepared to take on but it is a lot more work than a "normal" dog.
I understand that as he follows me around the house all day. He just wants company and definitely needs extra care.