Yea well the first ones always either burn or stick to the pan. It seems that when using a cast iron pan, one must either overheat it for a while, then lower the heat. Our stove is weird as it makes the pan either too hot, or too cold, but not in the between, so I always end up alternating between the hotter and colder setting so that it doesn't burn the pancakes.
Yea well the first ones always either burn or stick to the pan. It seems that when using a cast iron pan, one must either overheat it for a while, then lower the heat. Our stove is weird as it makes the pan either too hot, or too cold, but not in the between, so I always end up alternating between the hotter and colder setting so that it doesn't burn the pancakes.
In the end only one burned and became too crispy.
You could give me that crispy pancake!! I like crispy pancake; it is much lighter than the thick ones!!
Actually I could have two crispy one! LoL