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It is possible to start with an important point, which is how intellectual insecurity differs from ordinary insecurity, as the biased and dishonest person in his statements is simply a person who does not present the facts as they happened, and here the focus is on not lying.
While the mentality of intellectual insecurity does not apply the same intellectual quality or weighting to your own beliefs as the beliefs of others, intellectual lack of trust is in the thinking itself and not only in words. It is not simply a person who is lying, as a person may ignore gaps in his thinking or logic because the issue or discussion does not match the desired result of the person who is not honest in his thinking. Intellectual dishonesty is also linked to a closed mindset and not being open to others ’opinions.
People suffer from intellectual insecurity because they intentionally make opinions and ideas about them appropriate to them, avoiding the opinions of others and new information, making it easier for them to reach results they wish to hear. Unlike people with intellectual honesty who are open to difference, new, and receptive to the opinions of others, ready to change their ideas if proven false, and seek to obtain high standards of honesty with themselves and others, and for this they do not favor a source without other information, and this is what we seek to achieve in people through the article.
Why is intellectual trust important?
The risk of prejudice and dishonesty becomes more important in a world full of misinformation and false news. On major issues such as the environment, education and health, governments ’policies are at risk if public opinion of their people is based on false or misleading facts. We need to make sure that we are able to stop the spread of lies, especially serious ones, by learning how to discover intellectual dishonesty.
Intellectual insecurity in science and medicine
One example of the potential harm that intellectual insecurity does to society is when it applies to academics. This is the case in science and medicine. This is particularly good in a study on intellectual insecurity in science. Most scientists make mistakes by chance, yet there is a tendency that some scientists may intentionally make mistakes by "pruning" the results, as they allocate the results of their research and work to show what they want rather than what the data actually shows.
If this is done in medical or pharmaceutical studies, the serious potential consequences are cause for concern and for this intent to conduct additional training on the potentially dangerous consequences of intellectual insecurity in the research.
How to overcome intellectual insecurity?
There is no magic solution to overcoming intellectual dishonesty. Some people refuse to acknowledge or believe in any facts other than what they believe in, but we can follow a six-step guide that helps us in our desired end. It is designed to be used in the context of conversations with someone or for different scenarios.
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