Day 13 Mass indoctrination

in MCGI Cares Hive4 years ago


I would like to share with you on what I learnt from today's live mass Indoctrination Topic" sin".

Sin is a transgression against divine law. sins are generally considered as any thought word, or act considered immoral, selfish, shameful, harmful might be termed "sinful".

According to the book of Matthew 12:32, it saysAnyone who says something against the Son of Man can be forgiven; but whoever says something against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven---now or ever.

Also the book of Mark 3:29, it says"But whoever says evil things against the Holy Spirit will never be forgiven, because he has committed an eternal sin."

There are two types of sin and they are;

  1. Mortal sins that imperil your soul ; they are the grave sins that Will not be forgiven anymore. That is sin unto death.

  2. venial sins, which are less serious breaches of God's law. This is sin that is not unto death.

Some churches does not expel members that commited mortal sin, why?
It is because they are just after the holidays offering that the brethren gives.

The book of Acts 15:29 said"
eat no food that has been offered to idols; eat no blood; eat no animal that has been strangled; and keep yourselves from sexual immorality. You will do well if you take care not to do these things. With our best wishes."

The book of 1 John 5:16;If you see a believer commit a sin that does not lead to death, you should pray to God, who will give that person life. This applies to those whose sins do not lead to death. But there is sin which leads to death, and I do not say that you should pray to God about that.

Our Bible condemned those praying for those that their sin is unto death. Some termed it being merciful.

You are not merciful that way, but disobedient to God.If a sin is unto death, it can no longer be forgiven.

When we see our brothers commiting sin we should do what the book of Titus 3:10 said"Give at least two warnings to those who cause divisions, and then have nothing more to do with them".

If you didn't heed to this warning of rejecting or removing the brother from your chuch, it will cause defilement to the church and every person in it.

So we should expel the brethren that committed sin that is unto death, to avoid defiling the church.

Thank you


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