It is the commandment of God to we christians to do good to everybody. God doesn’t want us to be selective about those who we do good to. It doesn’t matter if those people have offended us before but God has said we should be good and kind to every man.
We can help everybody, anybody, and whoever it is even though the person is not a member of our church. We do not have to discriminate if someone is a member of our church or not before we decide to help the person because this is a commandment from God. We just have to help people and be kind to them.
In the book of Galatians, Galatians 6:10 says, As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith
I think the problem is that a lot of people misunderstand this Bible quote which results into them doing good to only those who are members of their church and neglecting people who are not members of their church. This Bible quote doesn’t mean you should not do good to people who you do not do the same religion as well.
As far as I am concerned, we are not God and we do not have the right to judge people even though they are not believers of Christ.
That should be left to God but he still wants us to do good to them.
Being good can be anything as long as it comes with helping someone with something and maybe trying to get them out of problems.
If we all can do good to one another, the world will become a better place and maybe that way, the numerous evil in this world will reduce.
God is pleased when we show love and compassion to all men. It shouldn't be just our friends and family alone that we should be concerned about, but as many as we are opportune to.