Proving God’s Existence || MCGI Topic Review.

in MCGI Cares Hive3 months ago

Is there a God? This question pisses me off a lot. There are so many unbelievers who ask this question. This is why I say that a lot of people are not grateful because after God gave them life and even free breathe, they still act like they do not know God.
Everything we have on earth today is existing because of just one person which is our creator.
Also, the creation gives us an evidence that there is someone who created it.

Let’s assume that we all know about the process of giving birth, how about the first man and woman in the world? Who created them? Don’t you think there should be a story behind it? That’s when we have to be reasonable that there is a creator who is God.
This is why we shoulf believe that God is real.

I love how Brother Eli isn’t only spiritual about this topic. He was scientific about it as well and he spoke about the Big bang theory.
The theory says that a large quantity of nothing decided to pack tightly together and exploded to make stars, moon, galaxies and everything in the world.

Is that possible? Did they as well come together to make humans? Let’s be reasonable and give kudos to whom deserves it. God is real. He created you and I. God is real. God is love and we should never take Him for granted.


God is and God will continue to be .
God created everything both in heaven and on earth

God Does not need proving evidence full everywere...anybody without the consciousness of God is probably a fool

The whole creation proves the existence of a Creator

There's God. It is the foolish of man that choose to wonder away from the truth