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What are the important points we have learned from God's words discussed in the Zoom meeting?
We should do good to all men even to your enemies, we should also extend our goodness to the people around us.
Whenever we have the ability to do good as Christian, we must do it totally for all men, especially those to the same body of Christ, and extend to those outside as well.
The commandment from God regarding the fellowship of brethen in the church of God is to do good to all men, most especially to the household of faith, the same members of the Church of God, same body in Christ. "Galatians 6:10"
Another important point is that "Love is the ultimate bond, the Bible's first commandment is LOVE.
It is normal to convey one's love. Love for God is the first commandment, and love for our neighbours is the second and we should also extend the love to our enemies.
The good we like others to do unto us is the same good we should do unto them. Do not give out what you cannot take.
If any man do evil he is of the Devil.(John 8:44). Some religions taught their members to kill, this is far from godliness. You must not coarse people to accept your doctrines or religion. It is inhumane to kill your fellow men, anyone that do such is of the devil. Most people think that when they kill others they are doing God's will/service, but it is not so because God hates those that kill. For example: "Cain, when he killed his brother, God despised him".
The primary doctrine of Jesus Christ is love. Our way of life must be worthy of God's gospel, as we must be firm in spirit and soul in our pursuit of God's doctrine.
James 2:16 This bible text shows that being kindhearted benefits you and people around you, since it makes it easier to love and forgive others.
Matthew 5:43-45 We should emulate God's qualities by loving everyone equally no matter how bad such person is, because God provides and care for everyone either good or bad.
When we are able to love our enemies in a way that we do not expect anything in return, then we will become the children of God and He will reward us accordingly.
(Luke 6:35).
Malachi 4:2 The sun of righteousness is what God show to the good and to the evil in order for the evil to become good.
We should remember that it is the will of God for all evil people to change and to be saved. Therefore we should love all men including our enemies and by loving them we will be able to bring them to God.
True love can be demonstrated through works. To show love, you have to act it out not by your words alone.(1 John 3:18).
Our purpose is to lead our fellow men to God, not to fight or kill them.
1 Corinthians 13:4 If you claim you have love, you should be able to endure, to be kind, to be humble and satisfied.
What are our old beliefs or expectations that were improved by listening in the Zoom meeting?
Before this meeting, I literally thinks it is normal to desert our enemies, and hate them but my orientation has changed now that I have to "Love my fellow man even if he did evil to me".
Another idea that I got before this meeting was "Those that kill people because of religion, I think it is in their doctrine to do so".
How does the study affect us that can make us a better person that we can use in our daily lives?
I should love my enemies.
Do good to everyone even my enemies.
Pray for others.
Feed those that are hungry.
I should give to the needy.
I should forgive those that offends me.
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Thanks be to God for listening on our meeting.
MCGI Cares (Hive) community's main mission is to share the words of God, not the Hive upvotes. If we get upvotes, please treat it as just a bonus. Do not focus mainly on material things as the bible is teaching us not to look at things seen but rather focus our eyes on things not seen.
While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal.