in MCGI Cares Hive4 months ago

In today's world, we have various religions and beliefs across the globe, and because of our distinctness in countries, states and languages, we may likely to belong to any of these religion. Although some group of persons called ATHEIST do not believe in the existence of God or gods due to reasons best known to them.



Nevertheless, some may be believers of certain religion either by birth, by adoption or by pure love, i.e belonging to a certain religion because you love the way followers of that religion behave or act. It is normal to want to belong to any religion based on your judgement and view.

But I'd like to write about the religion "CHRISTIANITY". As we all know it is the largest religion globally with over 2.4 billion believers across the world.

"CHRISTIANITY" originated in the 1st century, years after the birth of Christ, based on the life, teachings, death and resurrection of Jesus christ.

CHRISTIAN comes from the Greek word(CHRISTIANOS) meaning followers of Christ.
Based on my view and experience, a "CHRISTIAN" is a person/someone who believes in Jesus Christ as the son of God, savior and messiah, and follows his teachings and principles.

As a Christian, there are mainly (5) core beliefs which includes:
•Jesus Christ the son of God
•The bible as the inspired word of God
•Salvation through faith in Jesus Christ
•The trinity (God the father, the son and the holy spirit)
•The resurrection and the eternal life.

Looking at the core beliefs of Christianity, a Christian is to believe in God the father, the son and the holy spirit not minding the denomination (ORTHODOX, CATHOLIC, PENTECOST, BAPTIST, ANGLICAN etc) he/she finds himself/herself. Asides knowing God as the trinity, christians are meant to live the life of Christ and show actions that helps their neighbor see Christ in them. Majority of Christians believe the only way they can draw people to God is by engaging in EVANGELISM which is very fine, but I believe evangelism is not the only way christians can win souls for God's kingdom.

Growing up, I had many experiences, some were direct, while others were indirect and they made me see Christianity in a different dimension. So there was this God-fearing and gentle man who happened to be the owner of the house we were living then, he was a believer of Christ and he was someone that never joked with the things of God and would always preach about anything contrary to his belief. One faithful morning, this young man met my mum and asked if she would be free later in the day, she said yes, then he told her he'd like to have one or two words with her later in the day, though my mum had asked if there was any issue, his reply was no. It was evening, then he came to the house and asked of my mum, I had to call her for him. Although I wasn't present but I kinda eavesdropped and heard what they were discussing about. He told my mum, he'd like to know the name of her pastor and her church, so she told him and he said he was very pleased with the way my mum behaves and was so eager to know the church she was worshipping at. He went on further by saying, my mum does not need to carry out evangelism to attract members to God's kingdom but just living her life daily, and I was so happy that someone could see God or love God because of one's behavior. After that encounter, I had to change (I wasn't a bad person though)some things about myself,and learn to preach God through my daily show up as a young girl and since then I don't need to tell someone about my intimacy with God, cause it radiates over me.

In summary as a Christian, learn to spread the gospel of God by living a life free of condemnation, you must not pray at the top of your voice to prove you're a lover of God, you must not attend all the church crusades and concerts to be a child of God, but live your life daily by being you without imitating any current trends that is contrary to your believe and see how God's kingdom will increase because of your lifestyle.


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It is truly our duty to spread the good news across humanity. Nice post.

Thank you, you're absolutely correct

Is our obligation as Christians to spread the gospel of God and this can be done through our character

Yes dear,thank you for commenting