Greeting to you all in Jesus name I want to thank God for today's bible study teaching by Brother Eli I learnt somuch in today's teaching I will be sharing with us what I learnt.
I learnt about faith, somuch controversial teaching about faith was clarified in today's teaching.
An American preacher who says that God doesn't have faith I was made to understand that it was wrong because it was show to me in the scripture that God has faith.I also learnt that Christ Jesus is the foundation of the church and not the apostles.
Roman 3 : 3 I learnt from this verse that God has faith we are thought here that even if we don't believe our unbelive cannot stop the faith of God that means God has Faith. This verse says what if some don't believe? Shall thier unbelief make the faith of God without effect? The answer to this verse is No.
Matthew 18 : 18 this verse is teaching us faith this verse make me understand that for our faith to be a reality and effective it must be in agreement with God this verse says verily I say unto you whatever he shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven and whatever you shall loss on earth shall be loosed in heaven. What i understand here is that we must join our faith with the faith of God so that when we degree a thing on earth it will be so in heaven.
1 Corinthians 14 : 37 this verse is teaching us that if any man think him self to be a prophet pastor teacher he or she must acknowledge only the doctrine of Christ and the commandment of God alone written in the bible this verse says if any man think himself to be a prophet, or a spiritual, let him acknowledge that the things that the thing I write unto are the commandment of the Lord.
Acts 4 : 12 I learnt that there is no salvation anywhere except in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ this is because Christ Jesus is the foundation of the church this verse says that neither is there salvation in any order for there is none order name under heaven given among men whereby we must be saved.
Ephesians 2 : 20 we are been thought in this verse that Jesus Christ himself is the chief corner stone of the church he is the foundation of the church this verse says and are built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophet, Jesus Christ him self being the chief corner stone.
Thanks be to God for listening on our meeting.
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