Replay if mass indoctrination day 8 May 5th 2022


May the peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with us all Amen it's another intressting teaching of the doctrine of our Lord Jesus Christ for the mouth of the servant of God bro Eli.
I will be sharing with us what I learnt in today's teaching

  • I learnt that we should not keep evil companies
  • I also learnt that it not right to judge our fellow man

1 chorintians 5 : 7

I this verse I learnt that we should not keep company with anyone who is called a brother in the ture church of God who has fallen out of the ture doctrine of God and is living in sin after all odds to bring him or her back to the ture doctrine of our Lord Jesus Christ and the bluntly refuse and continue living in sin as brethren in the true church of God we are urged to report to the leader of the church. The bible says but now I have written unto you not to keep company, if any man that is called a brother be a fornicator, or covetous or an idolater, or a railer or a drunkard or an extortioner with such a one no not to eat.
This verse is very clear and the funication talk about here is not only the funication of the flesh but the funication of jumping from one church to another contradicting the ture doctrine which he has learnt.

1chorintians 5 : 12

In this verse l understand that as a believe we have no right to begin to judge our fellow men what we are meant to do for them is to keep praying for them
The bible says for what have I to do to judge them also that are without? Do not ye judge them that are within.

1 chorintians 5 : 13

In this verse I learnt that it's very wrong to judge the bible made it very clear to us that only a wicked man judge the bible says, but them that are without God judgeth therefore put away from amoung yourselves that wicked perso.

Ezekiel 34 : 10

I learnt from this verse that God is against any pastor teacher prophet who will not teaching his people the right doctrine of Christ with is love for thier fellow man the bible say God will require his flock from thier hands and cause them to cease from feeding the flock and there will be no meat for the Shepard.

God bless you the entire team of mcgi for this teaching.