Day 8 Mass Indoctrination Of Our Lord Jesus Christ 17-11-2021

in MCGI Cares Hive3 years ago

Hello brethren peace be with you all, am always delighted to hear the truth. Today's message has enlighten me. Don't be left out let us meet on zoom and share the truth.

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Today Bro. Eli made me understand that we are the light of the world, and one way to let our light shine is by doing good to all manner of persons. Doing that help us to win more souls for God and our reward will be given to us.
Philippians 2:16 Holding forth the word of life; that I may rejoice in the day of Christ, that I have not run in vain, neither laboured in vain.

Our way of life expressed towards all manner of persons expresses the good work of God.
1Peter 2:12 Having your conversation honest among the Gentiles: that, whereas they speak against you as evildoers, they may by your good works, which they shall behold, glorify God in the day of visitation.

One thing that will be very shame for us is to let our way of life guarantee peoples to blaspheme God's name but rather we should make sure that the way we live our life's draw people's closer to God.
Romans 2:24 For the name of God is blasphemed among the Gentiles through you, as it is written.

We should be ware of evil peoples and their ways therefore be vigilant they do not corrupt us with their evil ways and characters.
1 Corinthians 15:33 Be not deceived: evil communications corrupt good manners.

Members of the church that refused to heed to advise and warning for portraying evil deeds must be expelled according to the Bible.
Titus 3:10 A man that is an heretick after the first and second admonition reject.

Some Prophet and leaders of the church teaches wrong things only to benefit their greedy desire. If we heed to the wrong things they are doing we are bringing evil to our own self.
Proverbs 19:26 He that wasteth his father, and chaseth away his mother, is a son that causeth shame, and bringeth reproach.

So as member of the church of God we have an obligation by law and commandment to do good to all manner of persons.

Reason why we should do good
Proverbs 11:30 The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life; and he that winneth souls is wise.

He that win a soul to Christ is wise and will be rewarded according to the Bible. If a person turn from his evil ways and turn to Christ our Father in heaven becomes happy with us.
Ecclesiastes 7:27 Behold, this have I found, saith the preacher, counting one by one, to find out the account.

To get the truth we have to be comparing one thing to another for that we may know the truth.
Matthew 23:15 Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye compass sea and land to make one proselyte, and when he is made, ye make him twofold more the child of hell than yourselves.

Thanks for your time and attention