Going To Heaven, Is It A Destiny? || MCGI Topic Review.

in MCGI Cares Hive15 days ago

God loves all of us, and He wants us to go to heaven. God has chosen a lot of us who will be going to heaven, but sometimes it eventually not happens because some people have chosen to live a life of imprudence, disobedience, and going against the will of God. In such case, you may end up being a castaway.

Going to heaven does not have anything to do with your status. Going to heaven does not have anything to do with your position, wealth, or whoever you are in life. If you act rightly and do things that deserves to let you make it to heaven, you will surely do. This implies that we have some people who will make heaven even before the wealthy ones on earth.

God has chosen those who will go to Heaven and it is said in Matthew 7:21, Not everyone that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of Heaven, but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven

There is no other magic that can take you to heaven aside from this. Now, you gotta check yourself and be truthful to yourself. What are the things you are doing? Do they align with the will of God? Are those acts in the Bible? Questions like this should cross your mind almost all the time.

On the other hand, we have prophets who are meant to make heaven because God has chosen them right from when they were in their mother’s womb. We have so many prophets like them but if we are not opportune to be like that, we have to fight and work so hard so that we can make it to heaven.

The reward to a good life is heaven and I pray that we all make it there.