MCGI Mass Indoctrination English Translation | Day 3 | November 20th, 2024.

in MCGI Cares Hive3 months ago

Hello wonderful people of God. I’m glad to announce to you that I attended the MCGI indoctrination very early today. Brother Eli’s topic today is something I have always thought about but he eventually gave me an answer to it.
Today, Brother Eli talked about how we pray. I see people so many times who pray repeatedly. They ask God to do a single thing repeatedly and it keeps me thinking if God didn’t hear them at first but I finally got an answer to it.

Brother Eli has made us know that praying repeatedly to God about the same thing isn’t good. God is not deaf and he can always hesr us whenever we ask him for something.

In Matthew 6:8, God said that * Be not ye therefore like unto them: for your Father knoweth what things ye have need of, before ye ask him.*

Here, Brother Eli is simply telling us never to be like those who ask God for the same thing repetitively because even before we open our mouth to ask him for something, he already know what we want to talk about.
Also, Brother Eli shared the secret of the Rosary. A lot of people believe that the Rosary is what God has ordered us to use but it is only received by the Catholic Church. It was never in the Bible to use Rosary or make it compulsory. I took a screenshot of that part so you can read from my page.

Prayer is not something everyone should know you do. Ask God for something in secret and let him respond openly.
Brother Eli gave us a lot of Bible scriptures.

Acts 20:36
Mark 11:25
Matthew 6:6


So many people don’t even have prayer points. They just want to pray maybe because they see their friends praying and the want to do the same to call the attention of their friends

It’s not good
We should pray and be sincere with the prayers but not do it because we want to impress other people

Thank you for sharing this beautiful lessons.

You’re welcome and I hope you put them to use

Yes praying is very necessary as Christians but is bad to do it repeatedly...
Repeating words in prayer is not good

God is not deaf
He hears us clearly so there is no need to repeat prayers