MCGI Mass Indoctrination || Jan 30th, 2025.

Today’s mass indoctrination was very interesting. I was a bit late but I made it and listened well in the church. When I started watching, Brother Eli talked about some Jewish churches back in those days that doesn’t allow some people to wear T-Shirt. It’s not just them but some churches decide on what their members will wear and look so if you don’t look good, you are likely not allowed gain entry to the church.

A church is a house of God. There is no limit or any restriction that must be given to people. The rich snd poor should be able to attend the same church and even sit beside each other. Sadly, in these days, so many churches now build for the rich while the poor ones are secluded. That’s not what God wants us to do.

1 Corinthians 14:26 says, "What then, my friends? When you come together, each one has a hymn, a lesson, a revelation, a tongue, or an interpretation. Let all things be done for building up.

This is what the church should be all about. If you are being asked about what you should do at the church, this is it and not gossip with other people or try to be in competition with anyone.
The church consists of so many people and when we have people, there has to be a program.

Even though we may not be very comfortable with it but we have to do it the way it has to be done. In the church or house of God, we have to do things together and also the way it has to be done.

We have to follow the ways in which God wants us to and we can be blessed by God.
Let’s not forget that there should be no discrimination in churches no matter how little it may be.


The church is the house of God. It accommodates both the rich and the poor

Today's teaching was indeed a blessing. Thanks for sharing this