As long as we are alive, our life means that God has given all of us an opportunity or an opportuned time to learn his will before we all die. I feel that’s why some wicked people don’t die quick because God is giving them more and longer time to change their ways.
What are we going to do if we have to obey the will of God? We have to keep the commandments. The commandments are not just list of things that we should real. We should try out best to follow those commandments by putting them in our acts and daily lives.
The book of Galatians 6:2 says, Bear ye one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.
The law of Christ is the same as the will of God which we all have to fulfill and that’s one of the best ways to show that we are obeying the will of God.
This is why we have to take the indoctrination sessions of Brother Eli seriously because he teaches us the will of God through his daily indoctrinations.
Also, when talking about the will of God, so many people say that the Ten Commandments but the will of God doesn’t revolve around that alone. And we even have to know that the Ten Commandments was enforced back in the days but what is enforced now is the will of the Lord.
God wants all of us to die in hope and dying in hope means that knowing fully well that we have lived all our lives for Christ and by the time we die, we will be with Him in the Kingdom of Heaven.
That’s how to obey the will of God. It is that simple that anyone can follow and I pray God gives us the liberty to be able to follow his will.
Obeying the will of God is the best thing that we can do for ourselves. Every instructions given unto us from God is out of love that He has for us.
You’re right so we can enter the kingdom of heaven
We should obey