Here is the summary of the lessons learnt from Bro Eli;
Back in the days, men kill for hatred but now they kill for fun. Back then, they steal but now they even kill the owner they are stealing from. To murder is evil. We are searching for materials things, we need to dedicate our lives to our creator.
Luke 10:27 KJV
The primary commandment of God is lives, lives to God and our fellow men.
II Timothy 3:2-3 KJV
Wickedness is in men and not in animals. Global warming is happening because of greediness.
John 3:19. KJV
This is the condemnation according to Christ Jesus. So many people prefer evil to God.
When we die, what will save us?
James 2:22 KJV
We need to add to our faith good works. You don't just say you belief, there is a law we save to obey.
Titus 3:5 KJV
We are not to be boastful of our works. Faith without work is dead.
James 2:17 KJV
There is no how you can be save without faith coupled with works.
What is Christ to you?
Christ is my Lord.
Acts 2:36 KJV
He was with God even before he was born into this world. David refer to Jesus as Lord.
Psalms 110:1 KJV
Christ is Lord and God
John 20:28 KJV
Christ did not rebuke him for calling him God. Paul also recognises Christ as God and so also Peter when Jesus Christ asked "of whom do you say I am". Jesus came from somewhere before coming to this world. He was not human but He manifested in the flesh.
Salvation is a gift from God for all that will obey Him.
I Timothy 2:4 KJV
It is the will of God that all men will be save and come to the knowledge of truth.
I Timothy 4:10 KJV
Children have no faith, no believe, those who suffering from mental retardness will all be save because God made them all.
Exodus 4:11 KJV
Thanks be to God brother Cephas