How To Overcome Hardship And Suffering. MCGI TOPIC REVIEW.

Can we say that we would live in this world without experiencing hardship and suffering? Should we expect that the world will accommodate us without any pain? Is it possible that this world will be free from all forms of suffering? No, I don't think that there will be a peaceful world where we won't encounter any suffering.

The Bible says plainly that in the world there will be tribulations. The world is the home of suffering and hardship. Many are the tribulations which we see in this world. Most importantly, those of us who are christians are hated by the elements of this world.

They didn't love our Lord Jesus Christ so they can't love us. We are the followers of Jesus Christ and because the world hates Christ, it also hates us. We are tossed on every side by various afflictions.

When we fix our eyes on Jesus Christ, he will give us victory over all the tribulations and the afflictions that are likely to come our way in this world. When we take heed to the Word of God, we will be free from all the pains and the problems which the world will bring our way.