The commandments of God is what God wants us to obey. The Word of God is contained in the Bible. The Bible contains the purpose of God and the will of God. The Word of God is our guide to life. When we obey the laws of God and keep His commandments we are doing His will.
To be the true disciples of Jesus Christ, we have to learn his commandments. There is no disciple who will be able to fulfill the purpose of God without obeying His commandments. Obedience is key in discipleship. A true disciple is one who keeps His Master’s word.
The Word of God is what we must obey. We are not to ignore the word of God. If we disobey the commandments of God, then we are not his disciples. In fact, the Lord Jesus Christ said that those who are not building with Him are destroying. We must be obedient children who always keep the commandments of our Lord.
The doctrines of Jesus Christ is what makes the disciples of Jesus Christ. There are no disciples if there is no obedience to the doctrines of Jesus Christ. The Word of God carries the doctrines of Jesus Christ. We must obey them to prove our obedience to our Master.
Let us try to obey the doctrines of Jesus Christ as his disciples