What Pleases God The Most 2. MCGI TOPIC REVIEW.

To a person who knows God, that God is the one who does righteousness and judgement in the world, such a person pleases God. That is what the Bible says. So, for us to please God we must know Him. We must know Him as a righteous and just God.

God is also pleased that we do good and share with others. That is, we should share what we have with others and do good to them. We should always offer the sacrifice of thanksgiving to God. This is another thing which God is pleased with.

Also, when giving our substances either for the work of the gospel or to the needy, we should do so cheerfully. God loves a cheerful giver. God is pleased with someone who is a cheerful giver.

When we share it pleases God. When we respect our fellow humans it pleases. When we honour our parents that also please God. So there are many things which we can do which pleases God.

But it is only the Son who pleases God the most. There is no other thing or person who pleases God like the Son. God declared it that he is well pleased with the Son.


“This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased.”. Jesus Christ is the one who pleases God the most.