What pleases God The Most. MCGI TOPIC REVIEW.

There are somethings in the Bible which we can do that pleases God.

God loves righteousness and holiness. If we want to please God in our lives, we must follow after righteousness and holiness. We must live away from sin. We must honour the Word of God. God does not like sin so anyone who wants to please God must run away from sin.

We must obey all the commandments of God. We must obey all the doctrines of the church. We must follow the teachings of God if we want to please God. God is pleased with those who obey His commandments. God is please with those who follow his instructions. The instructions of God are written in the Bible.

We should always pray for those in authority. Praying for others pleases God. We should not follow those complaining, we should rather pray for our leaders.

There is no one who pleases God more than Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ alone is the one who obeyed the Father totally and completely. He did everything that the Father wanted from him. So it is only the son who exists in heaven and earth who pleases God the most.


You can please God only by worshipping him and following his ways