Hello Brethrens,I'm happy to share with you what I learned from the Bible studies with Brother Eli today. I hope you will be blessed as you keep listening and hearing God's word:
2 Peter 3:16 we learned that there are those who twist the Bible to their own advantage. Those who do not understand the word of God are those that try to twist the Bible. The Bible commanded us here to beware of such evil people lest we also fall from our own steadfastness.
There are things that are hard to understand according to the Bible and people like false prophets use them to lure people out of the way of truth according to 2 Peter 2:1. They twist what the Bible says just to use to their advantage.

Things that are twisted by people in God's word.
According to the Bible we understand that the Lord our God is one Lord in Deuteronomy 6:4. Their reason why Moses said this to the Isrealites was that they had many gods that they worshipped while in Egypt. God made them aware realised that the Lord their God is one Lord when they left Israel. God said this to them to let go of the former belief they had in Egypt.
It was hard for them to let go of the pleasures they had in Egypt this was seen in how they expressed what they enjoyed in Egypt in Numbers 11:5. To let them go of their former belief God had to let them know about the one true God their Lord.
In Psalm 110:1 we learned how David declared about his two Lords when he was moved by the holy spirit but we also learned about the Lord being one in Deuteronomy 6:4
The Apostle in Acts 2:33 declared about the other Lord who is Jesus Christ now seated at the right hand side of God. This Jesus Christ is made both Lord and Christ according to Acts 2:36.
That Lord who was made to sit at the right hand side of God is our Lord Jesus Christ. At first only one Lord was introduced to them and with time the other Lord was introduced in the person of Christ who is now seated at the right hand side of God.
Jesus Christ is both Lord and God becuase the Lord God almighty has the power to make another God just like He made Moses a god to Pharoah in Exodus 7:1.
David was right when he recieved a revelation about the Lord who wasn't yet manifested at the time he spoke about Jesus Christ when inspired by the holy spirit.

The Only Begotten God
In Hebrews 1:7-8 we learned about how God made the angels with flame of fire but he himself called His son a God also. In Hebrews 8:1 we learned about Jesus Christ sitting on the right hand of the throne God and not on the throne of God. This has been twisted by many to mean something different.
In Hebrews 1:5 it was the Lord Jesus Christ that God declared as His only begotten son. God has only one begotten son who had been love by the father and gave him glory John 17:5. Before anything else was the son was begotten. Jesus wasn't a man for the it is the spirit who begots him.
We learned in John 1:18 that Jesus Christ was born by was declared as God's only begotten. We learned from the original Greek that it was begotten God and not just a son.
We learned that Christ came from God and not from Mary who is a flesh, he that is born of the flesh is flesh and what is born of the spirit is of the spirit and so whatever God begats is a spirit. When he entered into the world God said that a body was prepared for the Begotten God to dwell in according to Hebrews 10:5
The studies has helped to improved my belief that Jesus isn't just a mere man born by man but by God, for he that is born of the spirit is of the spirit. It has also helped to give clarity on many twisted teachings about the divinity of our Lord Jesus who some believed to have come to live his life like any other man and not like a begotten God.
Discovering the truth about our Lord Jesus Christ is his rightful position as seated at the right hand of God gives us hope in the assurance of salvation that he offers to everyone who comes to him. We can live our daily lives with this kind of confidence as believers of God.
Thanks be to God for listening on our meeting.
MCGI Cares (Hive) community's main mission is to share the words of God, not the Hive upvotes. If we get upvotes, please treat it as just a bonus. Do not focus mainly on material things as the bible is teaching us not to look at things seen but rather focus our eyes on things not seen.
While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal.
You are doing a great work bro, keep it up please.