How many times do we need to study the word of God|| MCGI topic review

Studying the Word of God isn’t something we should do only when we feel like it or when we have problems. It should be a daily part of our lives, just like eating, drinking, or even checking our phones.
In Joshua 1:8, the Bible encourages us to meditate on God’s Word day and night so that we can live wisely and successfully. Think about it if we go days without food, we become weak. The same thing happens to our spiritual lives when we neglect God’s Word.

The more we study the Bible, the more we understand God’s plan for us.

Psalm 119:105 Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.

Without it, we’re basically walking in darkness, unsure of where we’re going. Some people wonder if reading the Bible once a week is enough, but imagine only eating once a week would that be enough to keep you strong? The truth is, we need to feed on God’s Word daily so that we can grow spiritually and make the right choices in life.

But it’s not just about reading; it’s about applying what we learn.

James 1:22 reminds us, But be doers of the word, and not hearers only.

In other words, it’s not enough to just know what the Bible says we have to live it out. If we only study the Word occasionally, it’s easy to forget its teachings and fall back into bad habits. But when we make it a regular part of our lives, it shapes the way we think, speak, and act. It helps us become better people, strengthening our faith and our relationships with others.

So, how many times should we study the Word of God? There’s no fixed number, but it should be a continuous habit. Whether it’s in the morning, at night, or even during breaks in the day, what matters is consistency.

Hebrews 4:12 For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two edged sword.

It has the power to transform our lives, but only if we engage with it regularly. The more time we spend with God’s Word, the more we grow in faith and wisdom, and the better we become at handling life’s challenges.