As the people of God, we must learn to obey His will. This is the whole duty of man. To fear God and keep His commandments. Fearing God is our primary responsibility. We are to fear and reference God. We must do what God says. We must accept Him and follow His doctrines.
The will of God is in obeying His commandments. When we have His commandments, we will be able to do His will. When we do not have His commandments, we won't be able to do his will. So, to do.To have the commandments of God, we need to study the Bible always. We should avail ourselves to listen to the doctrines of the church which was given to us by the Lord Jesus Christ.
We must learn the will of God because God will give us the opportunity to learn it before to die. It is an opportune time for everyone to learn about the will of God before he dies