God has given us life and it is our responsibility to take care of it, let us ask him for wisdom to dedicate our lives to what really matters.
And he said to them: Take heed, and beware of all covetousness; because man's life does not consist in the abundance of the goods that he possesses. 16 He also told them a parable, saying: The inheritance of a rich man had produced much. 17 And he thought within himself, saying, What shall I do, because I have nowhere to store my fruits? 18 And he said, This is what I will do: I will tear down my barns, and build larger ones, and there I will store all my fruits and my possessions; 19 and I will say to my soul: Soul, you have many goods stored up for many years; rest, eat, drink, rejoice. 20 But God said to him, “You fool, this night they come to ask for your soul; and what you have provided, whose will it be? 21 So is he who lays up treasure for himself, and he is not rich toward God.
Luke 12:15-21
Today we have this excellent example about that rich man who unfortunately has not taken advantage of his days since he believed that life was a kind of endless or infinite life and in that way, guided and motivated by materialism, he has not included to God in his plans.
You found we have the apostle Paul who had lived many experiences and also a very close relationship with God through the wisdom inspired by the Holy Spirit and he leaves us the writings showing that life is not infinite as it seems and that we must Making the most of every second, the apostle Paul also gave himself until his last days to other people.
In his letters that were written from prison he shows us that he was aware and knew that his life would soon end, yet he dedicated all his strength and time to instructing, advising and motivating his brothers in faith praying for them. The apostle recognized very well what the value of his time was and that he used it to encourage and pray for Christians so that everything they did was done as for the Lord.
23 And whatever you do, do it from the heart, as working for the Lord and not for men;
Colossians 3:23
This is very important to highlight that even if our task our work does not seem to have anything to do with the church, working for the Lord is not only for those who are pastors, missionaries or members of some active church, God He calls us all and has given us gifts and talents to minister to all people.
The apostle not only knew, he had enough experience that in the Christian life there are struggles and one of them is the struggle with oneself, that is why he knew and advised about the need for perseverance, to use better time and fully trust in divine power.
For while we were in the flesh, the sinful passions that were by law worked in our members, bearing fruit unto death. 6 But now we are free from the law, having died to that to which we were subject, so that we serve under the new regime of the Spirit and not under the old regime of the letter.
Romans 7:5-6
May we say like the Apostle Paul "I have fought the good fight"
7 I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.
2 Timothy 4:7


Dios nos ha regalado la vida y es nuestra responsabilidad cuidar de ella, pidámosle sabiduría para dedicar nuestra vida aquello que realmente importa.
Y les dijo: Mirad, y guardaos de toda avaricia; porque la vida del hombre no consiste en la abundancia de los bienes que posee. 16 También les refirió una parábola, diciendo: La heredad de un hombre rico había producido mucho. 17 Y él pensaba dentro de sí, diciendo: ¿Qué haré, porque no tengo dónde guardar mis frutos? 18 Y dijo: Esto haré: derribaré mis graneros, y los edificaré mayores, y allí guardaré todos mis frutos y mis bienes; 19 y diré a mi alma: Alma, muchos bienes tienes guardados para muchos años; repósate, come, bebe, regocíjate. 20 Pero Dios le dijo: Necio, esta noche vienen a pedirte tu alma; y lo que has provisto, ¿de quién será? 21 Así es el que hace para sí tesoro, y no es rico para con Dios.
Lucas 12:15-21
Hoy tenemos este excelente ejemplo acerca de aquel hombre rico que lamentablemente no ha aprovechado sus días ya que creía que la vida era una especie de vida interminable o infinita y de esa manera, guiado y motivado por el materialismo no ha incluido a Dios en sus planes.
Encontraste tenemos al apóstol Pablo quien había vivido muchas experiencias y también una relación muy cercana a Dios a través de la sabiduría inspirada por el espíritu Santo y nos deja los escritos mostrando que la vida no es infinita como pareciera y que debemos aprovechar al máximo cada segundo, el apóstol Pablo se dio asimismo hasta los últimos días a otras personas.
En sus cartas que fueron escritas desde la cárcel nos muestra que él era consciente y sabía que pronto su vida terminaría, aún así dedico todas sus fuerzas y su tiempo para darle instrucción, aconsejar y motivar a sus hermanos en la fe orando por ellos. El apóstol reconocía muy bien cuál era el valor de su tiempo y que lo utilizaba para alentar y orar por los cristianos para que todo lo que hicieran lo hagan como para el señor.
23 Y todo lo que hagáis, hacedlo de corazón, como para el Señor y no para los hombres;
Colosenses 3:23
Esto es muy importante resaltar o sea que aún si nuestra tarea nuestro trabajo no parece tener algo que ver con la iglesia, trabajar para el señor no es solamente para quienes son pastores, misioneros o miembros de alguna iglesia activa, Dios nos llama a todos y nos ha dado dones y talentos para ejercer el ministerio para todas las personas.
El apóstol no solo sabía, tenía la suficiente experiencia que en la vida cristiana existen luchas y una de ellas es la lucha con sigo mismo, es por ello que sabía y aconsejaba acerca de la necesidad de la perseverancia, de utilizar mejor el tiempo y confiar plenamente en el poder divino.
Porque mientras estábamos en la carne, las pasiones pecaminosas que eran por la ley obraban en nuestros miembros llevando fruto para muerte. 6 Pero ahora estamos libres de la ley, por haber muerto para aquella en que estábamos sujetos, de modo que sirvamos bajo el régimen nuevo del Espíritu y no bajo el régimen viejo de la letra.
Romanos 7:5-6
Que podamos decir al igual que el Apóstol Pablo "He peleado la buena batalla"
7 He peleado la buena batalla, he acabado la carrera, he guardado la fe.
2 Timoteo 4:7
Muchas Gracias por compartir esta lectura, deseo que el Espíritu Santo de Dios traiga revelación de su palabra a nuestras vidas.

One of our greatest priorities is to serve God in righteousness and do good to all men.
Let use our lives to do the right things before God.
@christybliss Aprendemos a utilizar bien el tiempo, es decir: Vivir una vida conforme a la palabra de Dios y tenemos la certeza que viviremos una vida en plenitud.
our life is given by God as a talent if any one that does not make use of it wisely he will take it away from us that is why we need wisdom to handle our life no matter what it takes we should try our best yo do good things with our life by obeying take heed to his words and also accept him as our personal Lord and Saviour
@barnabas20 Amen, there comes a time when we understand those truths and learn to live by them. God is attentive and helps us live a Christian life.
The life we are living is from God. We should use it wisely in doing His will.
Thank you for sharing, brother