mass indoctrination

in MCGI Cares Hive3 months ago


Let us do good to all men especially those poeple who are of the house of the faith
there are men who cause trouble to other men though they are not done trouble by their fellow men. murderers are of the devil

there are uch religion they teach their members to kill so members which kill think they are doing the right thing, it is according to jesus they shall put out of the synagogue there are churches that kill their fellow men once you are no longer in their side they will kill you.
as it is unto to all men let us do good unto all men especially those who are members of the house of faith. Above all the doctrines above all righteousness the primary thing should be love which is the bond of perfection the primary doctrine of jesus is love love will be rendered. the first one to which we will devote love if God because that is the commandment of jesus second to our fellow men, is not only your fellow men but i say unto you love your enies and pray for those that persecut you


Mathew 22:37
Colosians 3:14
Romans 1:32
John 8:44
John 16:2


So there are religions that requires their members to kill others? I’m glad ours isn’t like that
Christianity is pure and will continue to be

We should do good unto all men irrespective of the way they have treated us.

that is true what the bible say

Our priority should be doing good to our brethren, especially those of the household of faith.

we should do good to everybody