Pastor Eli's YouTube video on the apple created by God
From his pretty deductions with some valid biblical reference, I also wish to air my view in response to his teaching.
Nonetheless, we can check on a few of the scriptures that made up the teaching: Gen. 1:31, 1Tim 4:4, Gen 2:16-17, 1 John 3:1
Genesis 1:31 And God saw everything that he had made, and, behold, it was very good. And the evening and the morning were the sixth day.
" God did not create anything for us, for us to sin. Everything that God created is for our good" (Pastor Eli)
From the above scripture, we can attest to the fact that there was nothing wrong with the creatures of God because everything he made is good.
God never meant bad for anyone, even that person is evil because he causes his rain to fall both for the good and the bad, according to Matthew 5:45 That ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven: for he maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust. (KJV)
"Adam did not sin by eating apples of the garden but rather, he sinned by transgressing the order of God" (Pastor Eli)
God is a merciful one. I have heard people saying that God is wicked because of what happened to them but this is not true.
God is full of compassion, there is nothing that has happened to us that has not happened to people. God did not kill Lucifer for losing his Angels to him but rather he will always punish his own whenever they follow Satan's path.
2 Peter 2:4 For if God spared not the angels that sinned, but cast them down to hell, and delivered them into chains of darkness, to be reserved unto judgment (KJV)
We can see that before the fall of Adam, there were Angels that had already sinned against God and he did not spare them but rather, they have been bound in darkness awaiting the judgement day.
So God is a God of order and principles, and disregarding anyone that would obey his laws, that's the person he's appeased with. He is a respecter of no man and would never count transgressors as righteous people.
Adam fully understands the instructions of God. He didn't eat the fruit Eve gave him out of hunger or ignorance but it was an intentional act even at knowing the order of God concerning the tree which is consequent to death.
Does it mean that Adam hadn't any knowledge before eating of that tree? No!
Even as I said earlier, Adam was fully aware of the consequences that would reverberate from such action but he ate to test God's patience.
We can see in Genesis 2:19 And out of the ground the LORD God formed every beast of the field, and every fowl of the air; and brought them unto Adam to see what he would call them: and whatsoever Adam called every living creature, that was the name thereof. (KJV)
We can see from this scripture that Adam had knowledge like God. God really knows the names of everything he created but he brought all the animals to Adam and watched closely to see the similarity of what he knew the animals with and what Adam would call them.
The Bible didn't record that the animals were brought to Adam for God to learn their names from him but God already knows their names but he intentionally wanted to see if there's any similarity between him and Adam but Adam acted in response to the foreknowledge of God about those animals.
Now Bible says that what Adam called those animals was their names, not that it became their names, meaning that God agreed with Adam that he never made any mistake calling the right names of those animals because God would have corrected him if he had made mistake calling their names but there was no mistake, so and God agreed with Adam that that was the names of those animals.
This passage of the scripture really posits that Adam had a default knowledge that comes from God, and not knowledge of good and evil. But the day he ate from the tree was the day he had knowledge of good and evil given the power to discern and to will.
So God is not wicked to have created the tree of good and evil; it was Adam who in his default knowledge of God and his spirit transgressed, and this was not out of ignorance.
No creation of God is really bad for instance, it is not bad to marry but it is bad to fornicate, it is not bad to drink, but it is bad to get intoxicated with drink, even as the preacher said, marijuana for instance is used in making drugs but smoking it can be harmful, it's good to eat food but being voracious over food can be harmful also.
Everything God has created is really good but we have to use them wisely against transgressing in them. In 1 Timothy 4:4 For every creature of God is good, and nothing to be refused, if it be received with thanksgiving (KJV)
So there is nothing bad about God's creation but we must respect his orders about creation as to be his true children.
God bless his servant for such an exposure into God's word and God bless you for reading Amen. See you in our today's meeting by 7pm Philippine time and 12pm Nigerian time today, bye.
Everything God created is good, the only bad thing is the way we use it. Kudos
Yeah thanks brother
Dios le dio libre albedrio a Adam y a Eva ellos por su propia voluntad decidieron pecar y comer del arbol del conocimiento interesante analisis Dios te bendiga.
Gracias por pasar por ma, sí Dios realmente les dio una libertad que fue abusada y también es lo mismo en nuestra generación. Hemos tratado de no abusar de nuestra propia libertad. Gracias por pasar y ple.