Living a purposeful life

in MCGI Cares Hive5 days ago


If you will live a purposeful life, you must understand these there things.

  1. Where are you from

  2. Where am I

  3. Where I'm am going

These above three factors need to be thinking about, because it is everyone background, whatever that has the beginning must surely have an end. The source of the life is very important in the life of Man, you know what do i mean? The family will come from and lot to do with my our lives.

Everyone must understand the background he /she came from such will help us to pursuing the life dreams. Indentification for one self is very important, you need to carry your loads and depending on God, remember you are here for a purpose but its only when we are with God that our purpose will come to reality.

Self identification is the key, there is no one to assist us when God isn't happy with us, we need to sited and thinks, what can i do to make it in life.. Don't rely on man they may failed you but rather rely on God. Joseph in the bible was exulted in because he has the backup of God's, and he obey God and his instructions, that make God help him beyond his own knowledge.

Let learn from this message, it's only God who could help us. With God in our life and our obedience to him, God will surprise us.