What kind of the seed are intended planting into fertile land and be multiple?
Christianity isn't about be born again alone but it's about being surrendered all back to God. We can see example of people who gave all to God and in return God bountiful rewards them. None has God owned anything, but we the humanity have no knowledge of whom God is.
Sometimes we do labour and think our efforts alone will yield everything we want, what was the outcomes? Total submission to God is the keys. However, a total submission with seed planting which could multiple so we could have more than just what we have.
But, the challenges facing the humanity is the processes to start or commence with seedlings which we most comes up with excuses which could deprived us of good things from the great God.
Some people will say's " I don't have anything or i have no time for God but yet when desire good things from the good God, but we tend to forget that God isn't a man whom we can fool or decived. Some of people are fun of asking God a lot but they don't want give the little they have for God.
Example of these could be seen in the Bibles, when Prophet Elijah came to meet a widow, she was asked so give, she confussed truly and declared all that she has, even till the point that after that moments of consumed that little, she and child have no hope but might die, then the prophet said to him to give what she has " The good spirit to plant a seed is in that women, she surrendered and we could all see what happened to her afterwards, she became multiplied and has enough.
What of the father of the faith! Abraham, before he was called or regards with that name father of the faith it caused him lot before God multiple him, when you put yourself in the same shoes as he, a man whom God blessed the work of his hands, has servants, many cattle and big farm but barren and the wife for years, obedience and totallity are going hands to hands, it is never easy but the end always end with good story.
After years of Barreness, he has a son through another women whom she a servant to them, but she moved out later, and Abraham was left alone with his wife. And he was visited and were told his and the wife we have a promise Son, that is the words of God for him, somehow thinking🤔 as humans could that possible? Even the wife find it difficult to believe due to the nature of man of aging but with God all things are possible.
The Lord words came to passed and Abraham and serah finally has a son called Isaac, of course that's a promise child but the story didn't end, despite of the experience of barreness, God demanded from him the single son again to surrender him; very difficult indeed, but, Pa Abraham succumbs to God request and agree to sacrifice and give it all back to God, even the son itself couldn't even fantom what was going on, still with faith, Abraham go ahead to fulfill the God's demand from him by sacrifice his son, but God later replace that with a ram as a replacement for sacrifice unto God, And God was moved and blessed and called him father of the nation's through which we enjoy the blessings of Abraham, the sacrificial life of Abraham brought greatness and multiple to him.
What is God requested for you as well and the writing as well, where has God being asking you of something, give it to me but we adamant in our response to Him, we tend to forget that He is everything and can give everything because he made everything and everything is within his reach and could give anyone anything has he pleases himself.
The Lord needs of me and you, it may be our times, money, sacrificial life and meeting others needs, will you responded to the calling of God or you will give excuses, the truth is that what we don't have, God will not ask for it.
Think about it, the Lord will help us all and continue renew our strength in him daily. Thank you for stopping by.
In the next post, i will discussing about those who always says "I don't have enough"
And next i will be discussing about those who says, God take everything , its all belong to you. "Everything belong to you: a total submission.
See you tomorrow, have a blessed night rest.