Continuation of the misconceptions people have about the bible via zoom 6th January, 2022

in MCGI Cares Hive3 years ago

Good evening brethren in Christ, may the peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with us all now and forever Amen.

We are all aware about the nature and the existence of our God. He is the God who has compassion for those who diligently seek him and those who are ready to repent from their sinful behaviour.

Our God is a jealous God so we shouldn't make any homage or bow down to anything that is made on earth else our God will be highly disappointed in us.

God has promised to visit the iniquities of every man according to his deeds but not on the iniquities of his fathers. The book of Hebrew addresses this.
God accepted the offering presented to Him by Abel and this shows, God doesn't extend the sins of parents on to the next generation. 2 Timothy 3:3

God is giving mercy through visitation of the iniquities of generations of parents but not to curse them
Jude 1:15
To execute judgement upon all and to cnvince all that are ungodly among them all of their ungodly deeds which they have ungodly committed and of all their hard speeches which ungodly sinners have spoken against him.

The book of psalm 145:1 talks about the tender mercies of God which can seen over all His works.
Evil comes upon people when they turn away from the ways of God. God said in Isaiah that He creats the light and also brings about darkness. He makes peace and also crate evil.
How does this things connect, we have learnt that the mercies of the Lord endures forever but why does he bring evil and judgement upon his own crwation.

Job 34:12 also throws more light on this, surely God will not do wickedly , neither would the Almighty pervert judgement. These words and attributes of our Lord are true. People and cities sin and punishment are pronounced before them but as soon us these people change their ways, God resend his original decision and accept these people back to Himself.

This doesn't change the nature of God but really affirms his being and love for humanity.
God frames evil against israel but when they changed, God repented as the people changed. There's no contradictions when it comes to these verses in the bible.

Lets all stand firm in our faith and in what we believe in. God bless us all in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ who is the Saviour of the world Amen.

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