If there's one lesson that we learn about life is that there's is time for everything; a time to to born and a time to die. Hebrews 9:27 tells us that unto every human is a set time to die. No matter how long we live on this earth, we must sure die a certain time. That's just how God designed it. No man born of a woman is above death.
The reason why that is so is because we are all mortals. Which means there's a limit to the things that we have control over; such as our lives. 1 Timothy 6:16 tells is that God is the only one that has immortality. It's not in our power to decide how long we want to live. The old dies. The young dies also. Both the good and the bad, the rich and the poor all die.
Every physical strength of a human, of wealth acquired by a person it's all in vain and does him no good whenever the time of death approaches. It was never in God's intention for man to experience death, but the consequence of our sin is what put us in this situation. Romans 5:12 brings to our knowledge that the sin of our first parents is what opened the gate of death into this world.
Death is the repercussion for sin. When sin is conceived, death follows suit. It is impossible to escape this death because the curse which was placed on our first parents was passed down unto us which are his descendants. But in Revelation 21:4, we have an assurance of death being put to an end, along with all forms of pain and sorrow which we go through in our world today.