Why is there so much evil in this world(Part 2 of 4)

When we turned our face from God and showed Him our back, we turned away from the light, which is in God. Showing our back to God and turning our face from Him, we will face the darkness. That’s why in order to save people, the Apostle Paul was commanded by the Lord Jesus, to open their eyes and to turn them from darkness to light. Acts 26:18;

To open their eyes, and to turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan unto God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins, and inheritance among them which are sanctified by faith that is in me.

God created angels with a will so they could worship him volitionally but evil appeared when Satan, an archangel, abused his freedom and acted like he could be God. Instead, he became the embodiment of evil.

God also created Adam and Eve with a Free will so they could also worship Him or choose not to. They made their choice to turn away. So the result? Chaos!

It is very clear that the cause of all evil is satan but we have turned to Satan instead of turning to God. Most people prefer that which is wrong, which is not right. They are setting aside what is right, and they are going to the direction of perversion, direction of sin, direction of vices, direction of everything that is evil, that is why the after effect and the result of our transgressions are all the evil that we are now experiencing here on Earth.

It is satan that is the inventor of all evil lies and sin that is happening on Earth now, and what is happening are the consequences of our sins. But we have to understand something very important—This pestilence or pandemic happening, if we understand only the intent of God, we will find something good in what is happening.

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Men should let God teach them how to do good