Summary of what I learnt:
I learned today that a body without a spirit is dead. Faith is worthless if it isn't accompanied by action.
The spirit quickens, but the flesh is of no use. God's words are spirit, and they give us life.
The Bible is a source of nourishment for us. That is our spiritual sustenance.
Many individuals throughout the world are spiritually starving. That is why the global level of criminality is so high.
Husband and wife are battling in many households today, and siblings are suing each other in court. There are assassinations all over the place.
All of this demonstrates a spiritual yearning. A The question was posed. "How should one live in order to please God?" Living by God's word is the correct approach to please Him.
This is due to the fact that we live by faith rather than sight. Faith is the way of life in our time. Because there are beasts everywhere, faith is also tested.
Dressing properly can help us to live in a way that pleases God. As believers, we must present ourselves in a modest manner.
It can be seen in the manner in which we raise our children. It can also be seen in our relationship with our partner.The second question is, "How should one conduct business?"
A believer should only engage in enterprises that do not damage other people. Alcohol-related businesses are bad because they are dangerous. Gambling firms are also terrible since they deceive their fellow men.
The third question concerns Asia's seven churches. The vast majority of churches will be saved. As long as they are biblical hearers and doers. The majority of churches and their adherents have abandoned their initial love. If you're looking for the truth, you've come to the right place.Always keep an eye on the signboard. The Bible refers to it as the "church of God."
I also discovered that some churches take God's name in vain. So, if you're looking for something, you've come to the right place. Look in the Bible for the one. That is the God's church.
I was also instructed not to pass judgment. People who do not hear God's preaching but do the things of the law are justified by nature because they have kindness in their hearts. Gentiles are co-heirs, I discovered.
The law was sent to the gentiles in order to save them.
Finally, I discovered that it is the Holy Spirit who assists us in our shortcomings. It's the essence of Finally, I discovered that it is the Holy Spirit who assists us in our shortcomings.
The Holy Spirit, who dwells in our Lord Jesus, sanctifies us. The holy spirit can even occupy a person when they are still in their mother's womb. Jeremiah and John the Baptist are two such individuals. Overall, let us build our faith on the Bible.
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