Day 10 Mass Indoctrination Service hold on 24th June 2022

Good afternoon brothers and sisters may the peace of the Lord be with us all Amen Glory be to God almighty for another wonderful teachings from Brother Eli on the Mass Indoctrination Service.


But if you going to study the darkness of the lord Jesus God has a commandments about what to wear he will play with your inner man and your outer man it implies that the children of God is in the true church have to be HR2 beans and concerning what we will put on

From other people how were they difference

I don't know if you can see that in my face I'll be by you feel inside me she's already different

When we looked at the seams team but I'm not seeing for the things which are simple but the things which are not seen or eternal he was comparing the altar by and the inner being what's in

Not seen for the things which are seen are temporal but the things which are not seen are internal.
But the thing is you're not seen or eternal phosphate not not seen all the things which are seen are temporal.
Install awfully perish in their own corruption people who preaches without reason that animals one is a man who is man but there is a kind of man that has an outside but inside is a beast how do we prove that are their fathers rape their own part is is it that an out of animals mate with their own offspring if you are really you will not made with your child will be disgusted with yourself but why are there because inside

11 as a dog returns to its vomit so I'll pull returns to his folly people that causes food so she can babysit for his wrongdoings for returning to his family as a dog returns to its vomit so a fool return it to his folly as they saw that was washed returns to her one week in the mail so fool returns to its fully what is appoint their men are human outwardly but inside there or beastly but there are people please listen to me doesn't do not get angry as I have been waiting just listen I am speaking the words of God I'm not adding anything I am only reading it listen to this the other people were human outwardly but inside is a beast old man stillman inside and not know what is the meaning of men in the Bible the meaning of the word Genesis 1:27

every creeping saying that creepers upon the Earth the original meaning of the word is that which was created after the image of God and was given by God the authority to have dominion over the fish that follows over the cattle over lower forms of creatures that is the original meaning of Man a creature created after the likeness and image of God something good man is something that is not even a creature that is not evil because it is created after God's image but now there are men are human outside but inside the beast that's not the different test for men both inside and out they are not evil but there are days that I may not widely but I animals in Whiteley the crew now how do we be straight if what we have is a man or a beast what is that sign is what is inside Louie stillman or already have beast

Example short not to feel that you want to do that you do not feel so even if you're a very angry you do not kill but others although not always a queue social made outside but inside is a beast one who has Ian wildman the lights in the law does not commit adultery life is faithful

Watch your clothes cook for you clean your you should have mercy for your wife and love her but why do you treat your wife that way inside you it is already a beast you are no longer a man I'm just telling you what is in the Bible that the really high pitched outside the look like man but inside the beast now how will you feel better

I'd like to do my real all my god yes I know it's within my heart I like to do they will all my god David said yes a lot is within my heart let me put it this way but healthy then how to say thank you up or if not For Loving that I will not be able to study and find where the brother I am delighted not because it's me but because I was able to obey the commandment thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself listen to some people.

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Thanks be to God for listening on our meeting.

MCGI Cares (Hive) community's main mission is to share the words of God, not the Hive upvotes. If we get upvotes, please treat it as just a bonus. Do not focus mainly on material things as the bible is teaching us not to look at things seen but rather focus our eyes on things not seen.

While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal.