For a better November

in MCGI Cares Hive5 months ago (edited)

"They are forever free, those who renounce all selfish desires and break away from the ego cage of “I,” “me,” and “mine” when Gita came to this realisation I was certainly yet to be born yet it stays glued on my heart like a brand new.

I remember when I was younger, we used to see this TV drama series which had this cliche that, "we're nothing but pencils in the hand of the creator" Pencils? Now that's something.
I'll always tell my friends that we aren't the price but the finger pointing to the moon.

We are here to talk about him, learn his ways and practise. Life with God is simple and plain and what makes it simple is humility. The humility to become that empty cup that needs to be filled because when one is humble, we're open to learn as we've understood that we actually can't share what we don't have.

Have you come across Gita's piece where difference is drawn between the ego and the false ego.
The real ego is our very essence—the consciousness that makes us aware and
awake to reality and for the false ego, it is an identity crafted to preserve our sense of being the most significant, the most important and one who knows everything.

We're warned to becareful about ego because when
you trust the ego to protect you, things actually go south. It’s like wearing an armor that is actually made of paper yet you thought it was made of steel.

There's this particular Gata's piece that really hits and I quote, “Pride of wealth destroys wealth, pride of strength destroys strength and in the same manner pride of knowledge destroys knowledge.” So first of all, before chasing your dream; dream to be free from the ego and chase it without prejudice and perfection.

Thanks for stopping by and God bless you as you share your thoughts with motive to make the world a better place.


Thanks for this enlightening post, Sir

I appreciate you stopped by

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