Mass Indoctrination Day 5. 03/02/2023

in MCGI Cares Hive2 years ago (edited)

All Thanks be to God for making us to participate in another wonderful session of the Day 5 of Mass Indoctrination. God has been using his servant Bro Elisoriano to teach us the right Doctrines of believers.

In Today's session there were so many doctrince taught by Bro Eli. We were taught about the importance of fasting and prayer, how husband is the head of the wife, husbands should always take care of there wives and also wives should always respect their husband, and how we should give to the poor and the needy.
Points noted in today's teaching.

  • Fasting and prayer is very important as Christian. Fast looses you from the bondage of the wicked and it quickens your soul, you can fast and pray whenever you want God to change your situation such as getting a new Job or house or advancing to another level from where you were before. I also found out that fasting for three days can help regenerate the immune system as discovered by scientist. 1Cor 7:4. Matt 6:16 whenever we fast and pray we should never behave like Pharisees who do it openly so that everyone would what they are doing.

  • Husbands and wives should love themselves. Husband is the head of the wives as Christ is the head of the Church. A woman should never deny her husband her body because it belongs to him, unless during the time of prayer and fasting, where the husband should not touch her for the period time the fasting would last. A woman should always respect her husband and also the men should also love and take good care of their wives just like themselves. 1Pet 3:17, Eph 5:24, Luke 1:15, Prov 18:22.

  • Cleanliness is next to Godliness, the wife must always keep herself neat and clean for husband, no man would want to be around a dirty woman, the wife should know this and always keep herself clean so that her husband would always be attracted to her. And also when the husband and wife is clean their children also become clean and holy too.

  • Let us learn how to forgive and always give to the poor whenever we have. If there is enough food you should give some to the poor so that God will bless you with more.

God bless us as we continue to hear and do his word in Jesus name Amen.


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