Obedience To Gods Will Teaching From Brother Eli Soriano Part 2.

in MCGI Cares Hive2 months ago

Good afternoon, I must am privilege to be part of this teachings ot is so impactful, and a eyy opening thank you Brother Eli Soriano the Lord bless you more.

My understanding on this teaching today is that I just found out that the commandments of God for the new testament believers is the teachings of our Lord Jesus, wow, what are this law that we must obey is the teaching of Christ, Brother Eli Soriano went on to open my eyes in this regard by reading Galatians 6:2 talking about bearing each other bounden.

To bear each other bounded is one of the strongest teaching of our Lord, he said they commitment of our Lord is not the same as the ten commandments of Moses but His teaching are different, brother Eli Soriano talk about hope, it's only when we are obedience to the teaching of Christ that our hope of enternity is secure because without obeying his teaching we have no hope of resurrection.

Hebrew 9:27 appointed for one to die once after death comes judgement, if we must have hope of enternity then our obedience to Christ teaching must be put in place without negotiations.

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