Understanding Purpose From the Teaching Of Brother Eli Soriano.

in MCGI Cares Hive3 months ago

Hi everyone, it cool to be here, what a fellowship, thank you brother Eli for that wonderful teaching it was really impactful.

My understanding on what I learned, he read the book of Ecclesiastes 12:13 , talking about doing the commandment of God, in fullfiling your purpose is to do obey the commandments of God, he still went on on reading Matthew 28:20 yhat said teaching them to observe the commandment all that Christ has thoughts us.

This two scripture open my eyes to what we call understanding purpose is just to know what the will of God is to one life, Jesus knows his purpose that is why he always that as I hear the father so do I speak, whatever I see the father doing the same I do, that means finding purpose is doing the will of God.

He went forther and read the book of John 14:21 that said he that had my commandments and keep it, that is the one that love me, emphasis is my, in order word to show your love to God is to do His will, and there is a promise attached to this scripture he said I will manifest myself to that fellow that do my will, do the will of God has benefits wow, we live to do His will.

Thanks for your time.