Mass Indoctrination day 4 Via Zoom, 17/02/2022.

in MCGI Cares Hive3 years ago


Hello brethren,
Thanks be to God once again for another day of Mass Indoctrination session.
Here are some lessons that I learnt from day 4 of the indoctrination service.

Prayer has a content.

One of the content in prayer is that, prayer is a request to God. Pray is, asking from God. That is how we should pray.
An example is, when the apostles needed a replacement, when Judas left, they prayed to God asking him to show them the right person. They had chosen two people so they needed the right one so they prayed to God and the lot fell on Mathias.
So when we pray our prayer must be brief, asking God for something and when we believe he will answer us.

Another thing, is to give thanks giving during prayers. Thanks giving is included in prayer because when we pray we trust that God will hear us so we give thanks to him during prayers.
Prayer is not story telling as some religions do. Prayer is not the time to tell stories to God it's just a request to God.
During eating, thanks giving is also part of the prayer. When we are going to eat, we give thanks to God for what we have received. Jesus and the early Apostles have thanks during eating.

When should we pray.

We have to maintain a line of communication to God. We have to kneel down and pray to God. We have to live a prayerful life.
Jesus said man should always pray and not faint. The Bible also said pray without ceasing. This means that we have to pray day and night.
When we wake up in the morning, we have to pray and again, during sleep time we must pray before sleeping.

How can we be sure that our prayer will be heard by God.

The person calling on God should have a pure heart. God listens to the prayer of the righteous. But if your heart is full of evil then God will not listen to you.
Let us purify our hearts so that God will listen to us.
When we are baptised our sins are forgiven and making us able to call on God. Because we have become right, God will listen to us.
After baptism we have to study and obey the doctrine of God because it purifies our hearts. The doctrine must be keep in our hearts and obeyed because it can purify our heart.
When our hearts are pure what will come from our mouths will be pure, but when our heart is evil then our mouth will speak evil. So when we have evil in our heart when we pray, what we say is evil before God so he will not listen to us.
We should no be hypocrites, our yes should be yes and our no should be no.
We should not say things to deceive others. What is in our heart must not be different from what we say.
We have to watch what we say because our mouth can cause alot of damage so we have to be careful of what we say.

Thanks be to God once again.

Cares (Hive) community that study the words of God and also earn some reward by making our reactions on it. We can check this link


Thanks be to God for listening on our meeting.

MCGI Cares (Hive) community's main mission is to share the words of God, not the Hive upvotes. If we get upvotes, please treat it as just a bonus. Do not focus mainly on material things as the bible is teaching us not to look at things seen but rather focus our eyes on things not seen.

While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal.