in MCGI Cares Hive3 years ago

All glory be unto God in heaven for an opportunity to be in his presence and to partake in the worship of his holy name. The service was a blast indeed and I was opportuned to learn a lot. I was blessed indeed and I believe so was each and every other brethren who attended. The MCGI cares continues to show how much they care about humanity through charity.

Summary of what I learnt.
From the scriptures in John 15 vs 3 From this passage I was made to understand that, we are made clean by the word of God, it is the the word of God that makes us acceptable before God therefore we must carry the word of God in our hearts at all times. Christians must follow the doctrines of Christ and the Bible says, we are only cleaned through the words of God. We are clean by his word and his words alone.

From the service I was made to understand that, as Christians it is good and to be good to people especially to the needy and the poor, as Christians we are therefore encouraged to offer help to the needy and expected to show love to the poor, when offer help and show love we win more souls for Christ.

From the Bible in 1 Peter 5 vs 7 From this passage I was made to understand that, as Christians we should let God worry about all our problems by casting all our burdens for our God is capable of taking care of all our problems, no matter the situation we are in, if we let God in he will deliver us. God is string enough to deliver us from every problem that we might be facing. Bible says that, if we cast our burdens upon the Lord, the Lord will Carter and care for all our problem, he will do exceedingly and abundantly more than we even asked for. Because God loves and cares for us he will never let us down, we should not worry about our problems but instead let God worry for us.
From the scriptures in Matthew 5 vs 8 From this passage I learnt that, Christians must be pure in heart Everytime and in everything they do because anyone who is not pure in heart cannot see God. The says that, For christians to see God, they must be pure in heart, before a Christian can see God they must as well be pure in heart for blessed are those who are pure in heart for there reward is that they shall see God. Only the pure in heart will see and hear from God, therefore Christians must be pure in heart.
From the scriptures in Romans 13 vs 7 From this passage I was made to understand that, as Christians it is expected of us to give honour to whom honour is to be given or due, respect to whom respect is to be given, also fear whom we are supposed to fear. The Bible also says that, we as Christians should at all times give honour to whom honour is due, respect to whom respect is to be given and fear who should be related which is God. We are also expected to give tribute to whoever deserves it. Christians must live a holy and righteous life by following every doctrines of Christ and obeying the commandments of Christ, we must honour those in the position and deserve to be honoured so that when we get to that position the honour will be given to us.

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Thanks be to God for listening on our meeting.

MCGI Cares (Hive) community's main mission is to share the words of God, not the Hive upvotes. If we get upvotes, please treat it as just a bonus. Do not focus mainly on material things as the bible is teaching us not to look at things seen but rather focus our eyes on things not seen.

While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal.