MCGI CARES ON 7/March/2022.

in MCGI Cares Hive3 years ago

All glory be unto God in heaven for an opportunity to be in his presence and to partake in the worship of his holy name. I really appreciate brother Eli for sharing the word of God with us. I was made to see the blessings attached with giving and showing Love.

Summary of what I Learnt.
From the scriptures in Matthew 22 vs 37-40 from this passage of the Bible I was made to understand that, we should love God at all times, it is only when we love God before we can extend the love to our neighbors and fellow believers. God's commandments given to us from the scriptures says we should live the Lord our God with all our heart, and with all our mind. Believers are expected to love their neighbors just as they love there selves. Do not take part in any act of evil that might cause harm to a brethren.

From the service I learnt that whoever wants to feel loved must be willing to give out love, only those that love are loved in return. As Christians we should always forgive and not be vengeful, never pay evil for evil always forgive those that hurt you and pray with them.

From the scriptures in Romans 13 vs 10 from this passage of the Bible I was made to understand that, if a love is true then it should never support hatred rather it should support forgiveness, care and passion for each other. If you love your brother, you will not do evil unto them whether in their presence or their absence. We should follow the footsteps of Christ for his love towards was not evil and never caused us any harm. The love of God is shown by not doing evil unto your brethren, the love of God's is keeping to gifs commandment, God's teachings and God's doctrines.

From the Bible Jesus Christ said love is the greatest of all his commandments, we must love.

We must learn to love not just friends and family but also our enemies, and show them the ways of the Lord by teaching them his doctrines and telling them about his commandments. Love means no hurting your neighbor and not envying your neighbor.

From the scriptures in Psalms 37 vs 5 from this passage of the Bible I was made to understand that we always commit our ways into the hands of God, this simply means that we should put God first. Brethren should always let God take the lead and not them, if God before us no man can be against us. If God takes the lead we will win our every battle but if we do we will loose our every battles. Learn to put your trust in God.

From the scriptures in Proverbs 3:5 fr this passage of the Bible, I learnt that we should trust in the Lord with all our hearts, we should on no account lean on our understanding because we don’t know more than God who is the omini potent, we should let him direct our path and we should never act like we know more than God cause if we do he seat back and watch us handle our every situations on our own, on the contrary if we allow God in he will give us the best result and provide us with divine understanding more than we even asked of him, from the Bible we read to trust in the Lord with all our heart and on no account lean on our own understanding. Always put your trust in God and he will never disappoint you.

I was also made to understand that the days we are living in are perilous times but we can only overcome when we are merry, brethren are encouraged to be merry at all time. Been happy and merry helps us to forget the sad moments. Only those who are merry will overcome the days of affliction. Never doubt the abilities of God during the days of affliction but be merry.

From the scriptures in Proverbs 17:22 from this passage of the Bible I was made to understand that, a merry heart is like medicine and on the other hand a broken spirit causes bones to dry. This scripture encourages brethren to be merry all the time, forget about the sadness and embrace happiness. Whoever puts their trust in God will never see disappointment.

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Thanks be to God for listening on our meeting.

MCGI Cares (Hive) community's main mission is to share the words of God, not the Hive upvotes. If we get upvotes, please treat it as just a bonus. Do not focus mainly on material things as the bible is teaching us not to look at things seen but rather focus our eyes on things not seen.

While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal.