in MCGI Cares Hive3 years ago

Thank you Lord for everything you have done for me And making me to finish my and exams and helping me to come out in flying colours and also giving me the strength and power for me to be able to join today's MCGI cares mass indoctrination day 3 thank you Lord and I give you all the praises and thanksgiving. Brother Eli and brother Daniel in today's mcgi cares mass indoctrination day 3 are telling us about that a preachers teaching should not deviate from the word of God this is telling us that when we preach to other people we should make sure that as children of God the preaching should always align with the bible i.e the word of God, the way we preach should always be off the lord. in this world some times we might feel helpless because we can or we don't have anyone who we can trust and protect us but we should not feel helpless we should just pray and worship God because we can always trust him because he will guide and protect us and give us whatever we want as long us we keep our hand clean and away from sins. we should study the doctrines of God to avoid being deceived by false prophets. we should know that there is only one true teacher which is Christ. Matthew 6:6But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in secret; and thy Father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly. this scripture is telling us their is always a blessing for our good deeds so as children of God we should always do good deeds because their is a blessing for every good deed we do. as children of God we should learn the rules and guidelines on how to pray for example when a woman is praying her head should be covered and when a man is praying his head should be uncovered and we shy show respect to God when ever we want to pray like kneeling down and closing our eyes


I. I learnt that us as children of God we should do good to all brethren especially unto the house hold God and always share the word of God
II. I learnt that God wants us to be of good deeds to people all around us without discrimination because we are created in Christ for the sole purpose of good deeds because if we help others God always finds a way to help us back.
III. I learnt that we should be careful of false prophets because some people may disguise themselves as prophets to make money and extort people.