In today's teaching we where taught about addiction. Addiction is a disease most of us suffers, mentally and physically. Addiction is hard to be stopped when we engage in it. Addiction is not restricted to the use of only illegal substances, its can be any activity, such as watching television, consuming food, or using a phone regularly, someone can become addicted to it by so doing we may loses control of handling our to it. Then we have become addicted to it. Addiction occurs when we are no longer in control of the use of that particular object. I also discovered that boredom is one of the leading reasons of addiction. "An idle mind is the devil's factory," according to a common proverb. When we sit idle for long periods of time, we may be tempted to indulge in one or more activities that may lead to addiction and it can be mind blowing.
In this case there is a solution to every problem we face in life, if we are obedient and we follow the word of God faithfully for it's only God that we correct out ways and our bad habit, if we devote ourselves to him, him alone can rectify our paths. As we all know, the past cannot be corrected but it's used for future reference; all we can do is fix it, if such incident should occur again and now is the time. It's possible that tomorrow will be too late. Only God has the power to remove all of our difficulties and anxiety; no one can accomplish anything except God allows it because is not by might nor by power thus says the lord. We also learn to place a high value on God's creations. However, there are some things in life that we cannot undo; the only way to repair them is to follow God's will. When we follow God's will, our lives begin to reflect God's kindness here on earth.
Exodus 4:11 makes it plain that whenever we meet the impoverished, the blind, or the ineffective, we must assist them in whatever manner we can. They may be ineffective in the eyes of the world, but they are not in the eyes of God because he created them for us to show and demonstrates the love that he taught us. And whenever we assist them, there is a prize in paradise waiting for us.
In today's episode of My Faith, we met a young man who had led a very horrible life. He joined a gang that specializes in committing crimes and murdering people until one day when they went on an operation; two of his pals were arrested and sentenced to death as a result of the operation, but he fled to a safe haven to avoid the armed men. During his time in hiding, he saw Bro Eli's message on the television and accepted Jesus as his Savior. He was later arrested, but following his release, he dedicated his life to God's service.
"O LORD, I know that man's way is not in himself: it is not in man that walks to direct his feet," Jeremiah 10:23 declares. This verse showed us that it is not in man's power to direct his steps. God is the only one who has the ability to guide men. "A man's heart deviseth his course, but the LORD directs his feet," says Proverb 16:9.
Oh Lord direct our paths to the right path of life that men may see your Glory and glorify you alone.
Thank you.
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MCGI Cares (Hive) community's main mission is to share the words of God, not the Hive upvotes. If we get upvotes, please treat it as just a bonus. Do not focus mainly on material things as the bible is teaching us not to look at things seen but rather focus our eyes on things not seen.
While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal.