Here are the things I learnt from the teaching:
In the history of humanity there are plaques that happen, the plaques kill faster than the world war.
We are waiting on the coming of Jesus Christ to restore what has been destroyed by humanity. The consequences of sin is all what we are experiencing in the world today.
It is our transgressions and lack of fear that has caused disasters to humanity, Jesus will come and He will rule for a thousand years, and there will be restitution.
Act3:21 everything happening now God already knew from the beginning and He prophesied what will come in the end, the coming of Jesus will restore all what is lost,
The start of His kingdom will be what God has promised us.
According to Genesis 9:3 God told Noah that everything that live will be meat for him, he was also told not to eat blood, but there was a change in law during the time of Moses, Leventicus 11:2-5 when God took His people out of slavery, they were commanded not to eat certain food, it is not a law that will be observed by all humanity.
When Jesus came He pronounced it hat will cleanse all creatures, every one f Gods creature is good. The Egyptians have no law they are even those animals God told the Israelites not to eat.
Hebrews 7;12 there was a change in priesthood, so the law also changes. Justification will not come from the law of Moses but from Jesus.
Holiness is in God’s commandments, Holiness is beautiful, from holiness comes all beautiful things in life. Holiness is beautiful to behold, God is a just God, beautiful in nature, we are to worship God in beauty of His Holiness.
Whoever is of God cannot be touched by evil spirits, but whoever is not of God can be touched by evil spirits.
Going to church doesn’t make you an hypocrite, it means you have devote some of your youthful life to something spiritual.
God is never far from everyone, everything happening now is predicated by our Lord Jesus Christ
As I have learnt to always worship God in His holiness, I will keep seeing the beauty in all what God made, and abide with the law of Christ because the law Christ gave is better than the law of Moses. And I will spend my youthful age to do godly things.
Due to some circumstances, the publishing rules of our Hive community have to change. The changes are as follows;
Do not include any verse in the post, if we want we can add some screenshots of the verse inside our post.
✅ Minimum of 400 words in a single post.
✅ Pls include a personal video
✅ It is good if we can answer these 3 simple questions when making our Hive post.
What are the important points we have learned from God's words discussed in the Zoom meeting?
What are our old beliefs or expectations that were improved by listening in the Zoom meeting?
How does the study affect us that can make us a better person that we can use in our daily lives?
We suggest adding more of our personal reflection on the topic discussed, I can give an example here,
Matthew 28:20 - we have learned that we are to obey the commandment of the Lord and preach the gospel in all nations until the end comes but who are the main people who will preach, it is in the church of God as it is written
1 Peter 2:9 - God's people have the obligation to preach the gospel that is found in the one body.
In this way we can always add our personal reflection and understanding, we can avoid mass quoting the whole verses. We have to apply this to avoid any conflict from other communities. I hope we understand, God help us.