Here are the things I learnt from the teaching
We all as children of God should live our lives based on the doctrine of Christ, brethren should dwell together in love without segregation, our lives should serve as example to the unbelievers,
we should do this in a proper way, if you are doing the will of God the enemy wants to remove the word of God from our heart, the word of God will bring holiness to us.
We can’t do the will of God without the lord Jesus Christ.
Jesus gave us the communion so we can take it to remember him even who he is gone he gave us the bread as his flesh and wine as his blood which we must always take with a pure heart and clean heart as Christ is the holy one.
It makes us remember the sacrifice of Jesus, His death and resurrection.
The sacrifice of Jesus must always be remembered with great honour, the communion is not what we should stop taking. It binds us with Christ.
We should keep the word of God in our heart, it should be our daily life style, when we give the word of God in our heart, the devil won’t be able to steal it away from us, our life style should be godly. We should not be ashame to to do God’s will in total obedience, when we are in the house of God it gives us unspeakable joy. As we meet in the house of God we also grow.
How this teaching affects my daily lifestyle
I have learned from the teaching to always love to do godly things and to put all my heart to God’s will, and never to stay away from the gathering of the brethren.
you can watch my video below
you can watch the MCGI video below
Thanks be to God for listening on our meeting.
MCGI Cares (Hive) community's main mission is to share the words of God, not the Hive upvotes. If we get upvotes, please treat it as just a bonus. Do not focus mainly on material things as the bible is teaching us not to look at things seen but rather focus our eyes on things not seen.
While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal.