Greetings everyone!
According to Bro Eli, we all should be good to everyone. We should learn how show love and care to everyone irrespective of their religion or tribe, even if they are our enemies, we should show love to them. If we can love our enemies, much more we would love our loved ones. Helping people around us is an obligation from God. We should not neglect doing good, because Jesus commanded us to love one another and bear one another's burdens to fulfill the law.
We were also admonished to make Christ Jesus our priority wherever we find ourselves. We should obey the lord Jesus Christ and do his will. Jesus Christ should be at the centre of everything. We shouldn't join regions that reveal themselves instead of Christ Jesus. Jesus should be glorify and He's our perfect examples and role model because He knew no sin, all of His life time on earth he was pure and blamesless, He had no little or secret sin in Him. Jesus should be our best teacher, our leader and we need to note that He uses His prophets to speak His minds and what he has for a generation or for the world. Our eyes should always be on Jesus Christ and any where that did not teach the doctrine of our Lord Jesus Christ, we should reject from such gatherings. We were admonished to study the Bible and know God's word and have it in us. This is because many who claim to be pastors nowadays are teaching their own doctrines and the commandments of men, not the commandments of God. The commandments of God are written in the Holy bible.
We should always have faith in the word, as faith comes by hearing the word of God, so we should always learn the word of God.
In time past, God spoke through the prophets of old to his people, and now, he's speaking to us through his son, Christ Jesus. He commanded us to hear only him. so we should follow the commandment of God written in the Bible.
Part of the commandments of God is doing good to everyone around us. We shouldn't withhold good from him that ask of us and we shouldn't discriminate.
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Beautiful lesson you learnt sister, really we shouldn't withhold doing good to anyone we have the capacity of helping. Nice sharing your thought on this, looking forward to see more of your engagement in the community bye.
Thanks be to God
Thanks for sharing this interesting topic with us.