Hello Brethren, God requires us to show kindness to everyone, even to those who are against us. We are not to choose who to help. We must not discriminate. We are commanded to perform good deeds for everyone, including providing food for needy, clothing for the naked, and shelter for the homeless. We are not allowed to treat people differently based on their race, nationality, religion, or level of belief among our fellow humans. We are commanded to help everyone. If we are kind to everyone, even to our enemies, how much more will we be kind to our friends and family? Therefore, since it is a commandment, we must do good works.
Jesus Christ urged his followers to show one another love. Men would recognize them as His disciples because of loving each other. We must thus love one another. We will be able to accomplish good deeds and be able to pardon one another's transgressions when we love one another. Loving our enemies would draw them to God.
God is always happy to see a sinner turn from his wicked deeds and adopt godly behavior. He will also be pleased with people who, by their good works, turn a sinner.
And the Bible says in James Chapter 5, verse 20, that a sinner who is converted has his soul saved from the grave. Because it is written that those who turn from their evil deeds and become godly will no longer have their sins remembered, He has covered a great number of sins. Therefore, those who were successful in enticing them with their good works will also be rewarded. The Bible also states that wisdom comes from winning the soul, and that the fruit of righteousness is a tree of life. Therefore, if we carry out good works and lead people to God, we will be wise in God's eyes.
The Church of God is not designed to grow as a result of relationships, promises of successful careers, or marriage proposals. Because he would multiply the church, they would not be few, and he would also glorify them, they would not be small, according to Jeremiah 30, verse 19. Therefore, it is God who will increase the church through our own efforts to reach out to and be kind to other people.
Scriptures also taught us that bad individuals should be dismissed from the Church of God because if they are permitted to remain there, they will corrupt others.
If a brother discovers that another brother has committed murder, he will follow suit, and the Church of God will grow to have more murderers. In order to prevent the congregation from becoming corrupt, persons who conduct evil should be expelled. Therefore, the brethren's good deeds will help the Church of God flourish. So let's reach out to everyone and show them kindness.
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